NGC 663 - Wikipedia
NGC 663 (also known as Caldwell 10) is a young open cluster in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It has an estimated 400 stars and spans about a quarter of a degree across the sky. It can reportedly be detected with the unaided eye, although a …
NGC 663 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 663是在仙后座內,擁有大約400顆恆星的一個年輕的疏散星團,這400顆星星在天空中的跨距估計大約是1/4度。據說這個星團僅憑裸眼就能看見,但使用望遠鏡觀看可以得到更佳的效果,而使用雙筒望遠鏡就能看見星團中最亮的恆星。
NGC 663 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 663 是在 仙后座 內,擁有大約400顆恆星的一個年輕的 疏散星團 ,這400顆星星在天空中的跨距估計大約是1/4度。 據說這個星團僅憑裸眼就能看見,但使用望遠鏡觀看可以得到更佳的效果,而使用雙筒望遠鏡就能看見星團中最亮的恆星。 雖然表中列出最亮恆星的視星等只有7.1等,但有幾位觀測者報告估計有更亮的恆星 [ 1] 在修正了星際塵埃造成的紅化之後, 距離模數 估計的星等是11.6等。 估計這個星團的距離約為2,100 秒差距 ,年齡大約在2000-2500萬年 [ 2] 。 這 …
NGC 663 - 百度百科
NGC 663是在仙后座内,拥有大约400颗恒星的一个年轻的疏散星团,这400颗星星在天空中的跨距估计大约是1/4度。 据说这个星团仅凭裸眼就能看见,但使用望远镜观看可以得到更佳的效果,而使用双筒望远镜就能看见星团中最亮的恒星。 虽然表中列出最亮恒星的视星等只有7.1等,但有几位观测者报告估计有更亮的恒星。
Open Clusters NGC 659 & NGC 663 - Deep⋆Sky Corner
Open Clusters NGC 659 & NGC 663 in constellation Cassiopeia. Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. [149, 160]
How to find and observe NGC663 (TOTS#4) | EOTS - Eyes On …
NGC 663 is an open cluster within our own Milky Way galaxy. It is over 6,800 light years from Earth, so the photons from it reaching your eye in a telescope left that cluster about the time circular ditches - such as the Goseck Circle - were being dug as …
NGC 663: A Cluster Known for its “Be” Stars in Cassiopeia
2020年11月8日 · NGC 663, also known as Caldwell 10, is an open star cluster in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It is best viewed in autumn through early winter. Suburban skygazers with large binoculars may be able to make out NGC 663, but a telescope will be better.
NGC 663 - Open Cluster | freestarcharts.com
NGC 663, mag. +7.1, is a young open cluster that's one of a number of bright clusters that can be seen with binoculars in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It contains at least 80 stars visible in amateur telescopes spread over a diameter of 16 arc minutes .
NGC 663 - Skyledge
The larger cluster to the upper left is NGC 663, also known as Caldwell 10. Finally, below NGC 663 is a smaller and more compact cluster, NGC 659. These three clusters are thought to be part of a larger group called the Cassiopeia OB8 association. OB associations are loose groupings of very large and hot blue-white stars of spectral classes O ...
NGC 663, Open Star Cluster - Kopernik Observatory & Science …
2005年12月26日 · Open Star Cluster NGC 663 in the Constellation of Cassiopeia is easy to see in the smallest of backyard telescopes or even large binoculars. It is one of the best targets in a wonderful area of the Milky Way.