NGC 6712 - Wikipedia
NGC 6712 is a globular cluster that was probably discovered by Le Gentil on July 9, 1749 when investigating the Milky Way star cloud in Aquila. He described it as a "true nebula," in contrast to the open star cluster M11.
NGC 6712 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 6712 是一个位于 盾牌座 球状星团,很可能是 纪尧姆·勒让蒂 于1749年7月9日调查 天鹰座 银河 星云 时发现的。 他将其描述为“真正的星云”,与疏散星团 野鸭星团 形成鲜明对比。
NGC 6712 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 6712 是一個位於 盾牌座 球狀星團,很可能是 紀堯姆·勒讓蒂 於1749年7月9日調查 天鷹座 銀河 星雲 時發現的。 他將其描述為「真正的星雲」,與疏散星團 野鴨星團 形成鮮明對比。
Globular Cluster NGC 6712 & PNs IC 1295, Kohoutek 4-8
2022年10月3日 · NGC 6712 is a tidally disrupted globular cluster containing more then 60'000 stars. The reddening of the cluster due to interstellar matter is estimated as E (B − V) = 0.35 ± 0.04 from the RRab stars colour curves.
APOD: February 25, 1999 - NGC 6712: Galactic Globular Cluster
One of about 150 globular clusters known to be members of the Milky Way, NGC 6712 is thought to have crossed through the crowded galactic plane only a few million years ago. NGC 6712 is about 23,000 light-years away in the southern constellation …
NGC 6712 - Globular Cluster in Scutum - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 6712 is a Globular Cluster in the Scutum constellation. NGC 6712 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
NGC 6712 - 百度百科
NGC 6712是一个 球状星团,它可能是在1749年7月9日在研究 天鹰座 的银河系恒星云时发现的。 他将其描述为“真正的星云”,与开放星团M11形成对比。 威廉·赫歇尔于1784年6月16日独立发 …
NGC 6712 - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
At its distance of 22,500 light-years, NGC 6712's apparent diameter of 7.4 minutes of arc corresponds to a linear extension of about 50 light-years, and its visual brightness of 8.1 mag to an absolute magnitude of -7.50, or an intrinsic luminosity of about 90,000 times that of our Sun. Its overall spectral type has been determined as F9.
An Eclipsing Black Widow Pulsar in NGC 6712 - NASA/ADS
We report the discovery of the first radio pulsar associated with NGC 6712, an eclipsing black widow (BW) pulsar, J1853-0842A, found by high-sensitivity searches using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope.
[2001.08306] NGC 6712: the variable star population of a tidally ...
2020年1月22日 · We present an analysis of $\emph {VI}$ CCD time series photometry of globular cluster NGC 6712. Our main goal is to study the variable star population as indicators of the cluster mean physical parameters. We employed the Fourier decomposition of RR Lyrae light curves to confirm that [Fe/H]UVES = −1.0 ± 0.05 is a solid estimate.
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