NGC 6791 - Wikipedia
NGC 6791 is an open star cluster in the Lyra constellation. [1] It was discovered by Friedrich August Theodor Winnecke in 1853. At roughly 8 billion years old, and with an iron to hydrogen abundance ratio that is more than twice that of the Sun, it is one of the oldest and most metal-rich clusters in the Milky Way.
NGC 6791 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 6791 是位於 天琴座 的 疏散星團。 他在1853年被 弗里德里希·奧古斯特·特奧多爾·溫尼克 所發現。
Stellar Evolution in NGC 6791: Mass Loss on the Red Giant Branch …
2007年5月7日 · We present the first detailed study of the properties (temperatures, gravities, and masses) of the NGC 6791 white dwarf population. This unique stellar system is both one of the oldest (8 Gyr) and...
NGC 6791: A Probable Bulge Cluster without Multiple Populations
2018年10月29日 · NGC 6791 is a remarkable, fascinating Milky Way star cluster. From the first detailed studies (Kinman 1965 ; Spinrad & Taylor 1971 ), its properties were recognized as being extreme. Its combination of very old age and very high metallicity (∼8 Gyr and [Fe/H] = 0.3−0.4; Cunha et al. 2015 and references therein) is in fact unique among open ...
Star Cluster NGC 6791 from Kepler First Light Image
2024年10月25日 · An eight-billion-year-old cluster of stars 13,000 light-years from Earth, called NGC 6791, can be seen in the image. Clusters are families of stars that form together out of the same gas cloud. This particular cluster is called an open cluster, because the stars are loosely bound and have started to spread out from each other.
NGC 6791: An Exotic Open Cluster or the Nucleus of a
2006年6月1日 · We report on high-resolution echelle spectroscopy of 20 giant stars in the Galactic old open cluster NGC 6791, obtained with Hydra at the WIYN telescope. High-precision radial velocity allows us to isolate 15 bona fide cluster members.
NGC 6791: Full Hubble ACS Field - Science@NASA
2008年7月10日 · In studying the dimmest burned-out stars in globular star cluster NGC 6791, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a paradox: three different populations of stars exist in an object where all the stars should have formed …
APOD: 2000 January 12 - NGC 6791: An Old, Large Open Cluster
NGC 6791: An Old, Large Open Cluster Credit: Barbara J. Mochejska et al., 2.1-m Telescope, KPNO, NOAO, NSF. Explanation: NGC 6791 is one of the oldest and largest open clusters of stars known. But how did it get so dirty? Open star clusters usually contain a few hundred stars each less than a billion years old.
NGC 6791 - 百度百科
ngc 6791是我们所知最老和最大的 疏散星团 之一,但它为什么会含有如此大量的杂质,则仍然是个悬案。 典型的 疏散星团 ,通常是由数百颗恒星所组成,而且恒星的年龄少于十亿年。
2015年1月30日 · An especially fascinating group of open clusters is the super-metal-rich trio NGC 6791, NGC 6253, and NGC 6583. Studying their abundance patterns can shed light on Galactic chemical evolution and potentially provide clues as to …