NGC 6845 - Wikipedia
NGC 6845 (also known as Klemola 30) is an interacting system of four galaxies in the constellation Telescopium. The cluster has certain similarities with Stephan's Quintet. Its distance is estimated to be about 90 Mpc.
NGC 6845 - 百度百科
NGC 6845 (又称Klemola 30)是一个由四个星系组成的相互作用系统。 该集群与 史蒂芬五重星系 有一定的相似之处。 其距离估计约为90 Mpc。 星系团的组成是两个 螺旋星系 NGC 6845 A和NGC 6845 B,以及两个透镜状星系NGC 6845 C和NGC 6845D。 这四个星系在天空中占据了约4‘x2’的区域。 在这个紧密的星系团中,最大的星系是NGC 6845A,这是一个棒状螺旋星系。 SN 2008 DA是2008年6月在NGC 6845A上观测到的第二类超新星。 在NGC 6845B东北约4.4‘处发现的 …
NGC 6845: metallicity gradients and star formation in a complex …
2015年9月3日 · NGC 6845A has a gas-phase oxygen central metallicity of 12 + log (O/H) ∼ 8.5 and a flat gas-phase metallicity gradient (β = 0.002 ± 0.004 dex kpc −1) out to ∼4 R25 (to the end of the longest tidal tail). Considering the mass–metallicity relation, the central region of NGC 6845A displays a lower oxygen abundance than the expected for its mass.
[astro-ph/9906435] Study of the interacting system NGC 6845
1999年6月28日 · We present optical spectroscopy, B, V, R and I CCD photometry and VLA neutral hydrogen observations of the interacting quartet NGC 6845, also know as Klemola 30. NGC 6845 A, the dominant component, sports a broad and bright tidal bridge and a …
We observed the compact group of galaxies NGC 6845 with GMOS-S imaging and long-slit spectroscopy. The group itself is comprised of two spiral galaxies and two S0 galaxies, and shows signs of gravitational interaction
Study of the Interacting System NGC 6845 - NASA/ADS
We present optical spectroscopy, B, V, R, and I CCD photometry, and VLA neutral hydrogen observations of the interacting quartet NGC 6845, also know as Klemola 30. NGC 6845 A, the dominant component, sports a broad and bright tidal bridge and a faint tidal tail, which bifurcates.
NGC 6845 - Through Light and Time
2023年9月17日 · NGC 6845 is an interacting group of four galaxies situated 300 million light years away in the constellation of Telescopic. The components of the galaxy cluster are the two spiral galaxies NGC 6845A and NGC 6845B as well as the …
[1508.05070] NGC 6845: metallicity gradients and star formation …
2015年8月20日 · Abstract: We have obtained Gemini/GMOS spectra of 28 regions located across the interacting group NGC 6845, spanning from the inner regions of the four major galaxies (NGC 6845A, B, C, D) to the tidal tails of NGC 6845A. All regions in the tails are star-forming objects with ages younger than 10 Myr.
南天に輝く銀河の四重奏 ぼうえんきょう座の相互作用銀河「NGC 6845」
2022年11月29日 · こちらは南天の「ぼうえんきょう座」の方向約2億7000万光年先にある 「NGC 6845」 です。 全部で4つの銀河からなるNGC 6845は、相互作用銀河として知られています。 相互作用銀河とは、すれ違ったり衝突したりすることで互いに重力の影響を及ぼし合っている複数の銀河を指す言葉です。 よく見ると、NGC 6845は2種類の銀河で構成されていることがわかります。 画像を公開した米国科学財団(NSF)の国立光学・赤外天文学研究 …
NGC 6845 — Telescopium Galaxy Quartet - AstroBin
NGC 6845, PGC 63978, PGC 63979 and PGC 63986 form an interacting system of four galaxies (quartet) in the southern constellation Telescopium. At 300 Mly distance, the galaxies appear small (around 1...