NGC 6859 - Other Classification in Aquila | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 6859 is a Other Classification in the Aquila constellation. NGC 6859 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain …
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 6850 - 6899 - cseligman.com
2023年10月31日 · His position for the "nebula" relative to the brighter star falls exactly on the triplet now listed as NGC 6859, so he simply mistook the faint group for a nebulous object.
NGC 6859 | other in Aquila | NGC List | GO ASTRONOMY
NGC 6859 . NGC 6859 is a other located in the constellation Aquila. Some key stats include:
List of NGC objects (6001–7000) - Wikipedia
This is a list of NGC objects 6001–7000 from the New General Catalogue (NGC). The astronomical catalogue is composed mainly of star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies. Other …
NGC 6859 – Wikipedia
NGC 6859 bezeichnet im NGC-Katalog drei scheinbar dicht beieinander liegende Sterne im Sternbild Aquila. Der Katalogeintrag geht auf eine Beobachtung des Astronomen George …
NGC 6859 — Wikipédia
NGC 6859 est constitué de trois étoiles situées dans la constellation de l' Aigle. L'astronome américain George Phillips Bond a enregistré la position de ce groupe le 24 novembre 1852 1.
NGC 6859 - Vikipediya
NGC 6859 Aquila yulduz turkumidagi *3 (karrali yulduz) tipli yulduzdir. Ushbu obyektni George Bond 1852-yilda kashf etgan. Ushbu obyekt Yangi umumiy katalog asl nashrida mavjud.
DOCdb - NGC 6859
DOCdb. Deep Sky Observer's Companion – the online database . Welcome, guest! If you've already registered, please log in,. or register an observer profile for added ...
NGC 6859 – Wikipedija
NGC 6859 je trostruka zvijezda u zviježđu Orlu. Izvori. Vanjske poveznice SEDS: NGC 6859 Hartmut Frommert: Revidirani Novi opći katalog Izvangalaktička baza podataka NASA-e i …
NGC 6859 - three stars. Description NGC 6859: - kosmoved.ru
Object NGC 6859 is located exactly in the center of the picture. NGC 6859 - three stars in the constellation Aquilae Type: *3 - Coordinates for epoch J2000: Ra= 20 h 3 m 49.5 s; Dec= …