NGC 6892 - Other Classification in Sagitta | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 6892 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year. The image below is a photograph of NGC 6892 from the Digitized Sky Survey 2 (DSS2 - see the credits section) taken in the red channel.
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 6850 - 6899 - cseligman.com
2023年10月31日 · Historical Identification: Per Dreyer, NGC 6892 (= GC 5951, d'Arrest, 1860 RA 20 10 33, NPD 72 23.9) is "an extremely faint nebulous star (perhaps an extremely small cluster?)" (the parentheses being in the original NGC entry). Physical Information:
Veil Nebula - Wikipedia
NGC 6992 and 6995 are objects on the eastern side of the loop which are also relatively easy to see. NGC 6974 and NGC 6979 are visible as knots in an area of nebulosity along the northern rim. Pickering's Triangle is much fainter and has no NGC number (though 6979 is occasionally used to refer to it).
NGC/IC Project Restoration Efforts
===== NGC 6892 is a group of four faint stars a bit southeast of d'A's position (from a single observation). His description fits, too -- d'A suspected the object to be resolvable, but was not able to do so with his 231X eyepiece.
NGC 6892 | other in Sagitta | New General Catalogue
< NGC List NGC 6892. NGC 6892 is a other located in the constellation of Sagitta. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC 6892:
NGC 6892 - Wikipedia
NGC 6892 je četverostruka zvijezda i nalazi se u sazviježđu Strelica. Prvo otkriće je napravio Heinrich Louis d'Arrest 19. jula 1865. godine. [2] [3] [4]
Revised NGC Data for NGC 6892 - spider.seds.org
Revised NGC Data for NGC 6892 Data from Wolfgang Steinicke's Revised NGC and IC Catalog. Object: NGC 6892 (*) Star(s), type *4, in Sagitta Right Ascension (2000.0): 20:16:57.1 (h:m:s) …
DOCdb - NGC 6892
DOCdb. Deep Sky Observer's Companion – the online database . Welcome, guest! If you've already registered, please log in,. or register an observer profile for added ...
NGC 6872 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
NGC 6872 [3] 是位於孔雀座的 SB(s)b pec型棒旋星系,距離地球2億1200萬光年(65 Mpc)。 NGC 6872正在與透鏡狀星系 IC 4970 相互作用,後者的大小還不到其十二分之一 [ 2 ] [ 3 ] 。
NGC 6872 - Wikipedia
NGC 6872, also known as the Condor Galaxy, [3] is a large barred spiral galaxy of type SB(s)b pec in the constellation Pavo. It is 212 million light-years (65 Mpc) from Earth. [3] NGC 6872 is interacting with the lenticular galaxy IC 4970, which is less than one twelfth as large.