Messier 73 - Wikipedia
Messier 73 (M73, also known as NGC 6994) is an asterism of four stars in the constellation Aquarius which was long thought to be a small open cluster. It lies several arcminutes east of …
M73 (星群) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
梅西耶73 (也称为 M73 或 NGC 6994 )是位于 宝瓶座 内,以四颗 恒星 为主体的 星群 。 所谓星群,只是从地球上看天空中聚在一起,但彼此完全没有关联的恒星。
Messier 73 - the NGC 6994 Star Cluster - Universe Today
According to this results, NGC 6994 belongs to the old open cluster population located in the outer disk and at large distances from the Galactic plane, and must have suffered significant...
Messier 73 (NGC 6994) | Aquarius | Go Astronomy
Messier 73 (NGC 6994) is an asterism located in the constellation Aquarius, in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies. M73 is 2500 light years away from Earth. …
M 73 – NGC 6994 – Astrodrudis
2013年8月11日 · M73 is one of the three “fake”, non-nebulous, Messier objects (together with M40, double star, and M24, star patch). It contains four stars distributed as a triangle with a …
Messier 73 - M73 - AstroPixels
2012年4月3日 · Messier 73 or M73 (also designated NGC 6994) is an in the constellation . It has an apparent visual magnitude of 9 and its angular diameter is 2.8 arc-minutes. The four stars …
M-73 (NGC 6994) in Aquarius - kopernik.org
2009年2月16日 · The four stars that make up M-73 (aka NGC 6994) are probably just a random grouping that happens to lie along the same line of sight (an asterism). The two brightest stars …
Title: NGC 6994 - clearly not a physical stellar ensemble
2001年11月30日 · The sparse stellar ensemble NGC 6994 = M73 has recently been discussed as a possible remnant of an old open cluster. In order to solve the controversy on the nature of …
NGC 6994 - clearly not a physical stellar ensemble - NASA/ADS
The sparse stellar ensemble NGC 6994 = M 73 has recently been discussed as a possible remnant of an old open cluster. In order to solve the controversy regarding the nature of this …
M73, NGC 6994 - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · M73, a small open cluster in the constellation Aquarius, is a minor though genuine Messier object, probably appearing just nebulous enough through Messier's early …