NGC 7 - Wikipedia
NGC 7 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation. It was discovered by English astronomer John Herschel in 1834, who was using an 18.7 inch reflector telescope at the time. [6]
NGC 7 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 7 是 玉夫座 的一個 漩渦星系。 它於1834年9月27日由英國天文學家 約翰·赫歇爾 使用18.7英寸的 反射望遠鏡 所發現。 [3] 天文學家史蒂夫·戈特利布描述這個暗淡的星系:它大,且銀河系的自轉軸垂直(自轉軸垂直);他還指出,这个星系只能用周邊視覺來觀察清楚,而不是直接看著它。 ^ 跳转到: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. Results for NGC 0007. [2010-05-03]. (原始内容 存档 于2019-10-18). ^ Distance Results for NGC 0007. NASA/IPAC …
NGC 7 GalaxyFacts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 7 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Sculptor in the southern hemisphere. NGC 7's distance from Earth is 66,816,395.53 light years. NGC 7 is called NGC 7 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
NGC 7 - Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 7 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Sculptor constellation. NGC 7 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its B magnitude of 13.88, NGC 7 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 14 inches (350mm) or more.
Caldwell 7 - Science@NASA
2024年8月23日 · This hazy, steely blue spiral galaxy mottled with pink, flower-like gaseous regions and granular filaments of dark dust is Caldwell 7 (also called NGC 2403). The galaxy’s pinkish, glowing clouds are the energetic birthplaces of stars known as H II regions.
NGC 7 - 百度百科
NGC 7是 玉夫座 的一个 漩涡星系 。 它于1834年9月27日由英国天文学家 约翰·赫歇尔 使用18.7英寸的 反射望远镜 所发现。 天文学家史蒂夫·戈特利布描述这个暗淡的星系:它大,且银河系的自转轴垂直(自转轴垂直);他还指出,这个星系只能用周边视觉来观察清楚,而不是直接看着它。 NGC 7是玉夫座的一个漩涡星系。 它于1834年9月27日由英国天文学家约翰·赫歇尔使用18.7英寸的反射望远镜所发现。
Category:NGC 7 - Wikimedia Commons
English: NGC 7 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. It is located at RA 00 h 08 m 20.9 s, dec −29° 54′ 54″ , and has an apparent magnitude of 13.47.
NGC 7 - Wikipedia
ngc 7は、ちょうこくしつ座の方角にある渦巻銀河である。 1834年にイギリスの天文学者 ジョン・ハーシェル が口径18.7の 反射望遠鏡 を用いて発見した [ 3 ] 。
NGC 7 - Wikiwand
NGC 7 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation. It was discovered by English astronomer John Herschel in 1834, who was using an 18.7 inch...
List of NGC objects (1–1000) - Wikipedia
This is a list of NGC objects 1–1000 from the New General Catalogue (NGC). The astronomical catalogue is composed mainly of star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies. Other objects in the catalogue can be found in the other subpages of the list of NGC objects.