NGC 7027 - Wikipedia
NGC 7027, also known as the Jewel Bug Nebula or the Magic Carpet Nebula, [6] is a very young and dense planetary nebula [7] located around 3,000 light-years (920 parsecs) from Earth in …
NGC 7027 - 百度百科
NGC 7027是一个极为年轻,且物质极为致密的行星状星云,距离地球约3000光年(920秒差距),位于天鹅座。 该星云于1878年由让·玛琏·爱德华·史提芬使用马赛天文台口径31英寸望远 …
NGC 7027 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 7027 是一個極為年輕,且物質極為緻密的 行星狀星雲 [4],距離地球約3000光年(920秒差距),位於 天鵝座。 該星雲於1878年由 讓·瑪璉·愛德華·史提芬 使用 馬賽天文台 口徑31英吋 …
Jewel Bug Nebula (NGC 7027): Planetary Nebula in Cygnus – …
2021年4月12日 · The Jewel Bug Nebula (NGC 7027) is a young planetary nebula located in the constellation Cygnus. It lies approximately 2,870 light years away. With an apparent …
NGC 7027 - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
In spite of the odd structure and dust, NGC 7027 is the standard object against which the measured brightnesses of other nebulae are compared. The distance of 2900 light years …
NGC 7027 - Science@NASA
2020年6月18日 · Recently, NGC 7027's central star was identified in a new wavelength of light — near-ultraviolet — for the first time by using Hubble's unique capabilities. The near-ultraviolet …
NGC 7027 - ESA/Hubble
This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope depicts NGC 7027, or the “Jewel Bug” nebula. The object had been slowly puffing away its mass in quiet, spherically symmetric or …
Planetary Nebula NGC 7027: A Sun-Like Star Burning Out
1998年3月19日 · The Hubble Space Telescope's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) has captured a glimpse of a brief stage in the burnout of NGC 7027, …
APOD: 2013 August 26 - Bright Planetary Nebula NGC 7027 from …
2013年8月26日 · Studying Hubble images of NGC 7027 have led to the understanding that it is a planetary nebula that began expanding about 600 years ago, and that the cloud of gas and …
Planetary Nebula NGC 7027 | Deep⋆Sky Corner
NGC 7027 is an end-of-life star in transition to a planetary nebula. Most of the nuclear fuel has been used up. A combination of stellar pulsations and radiation pressure extruded the …