NGC 7038 - Wikipedia
NGC 7038 is an intermediate spiral galaxy located about 210 million light-years away in the constellation of Indus. [2][3] Astronomer John Herschel discovered NGC 7038 on September 30, 1834.
Investigating A Made-to-Measure Galaxy | ESA/Hubble
NGC 7038 lies around 220 million light-years from Earth in the southern constellation Indus. This image portrays an especially rich and detailed view of a spiral galaxy, and exposes a huge number of distant stars and galaxies around it.
Hubble Space Telescope Zooms in on NGC 7038 - Sci.News
2022年11月7日 · This Hubble image shows NGC 7038, a spiral galaxy some 220 million light-years away in the constellation of Indus. The color image is a composite of separate exposures acquired by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument.
Hubble Space Telescope Investigating a Made-to-Measure Galaxy
2022年11月6日 · Located about 220 million light-years from Earth, NGC 7038 lies in the southern constellation Indus. With an incredibly rich and intricately detailed view of a spiral galaxy, this image also exposes a huge number of distant stars and galaxies around it.
20221107 NGC 7038 研究一個特別的星系 – 萌芽地科網
2022年12月6日 · 哈伯望遠鏡使用其第三代廣域照相機檢查了 NGC 7038,以校準兩種最常見的距離測量技術:1A 型超新星和造父變星。 哈伯最初的科學目標之一是準確地確定與夜空天體的距離,在其三十年的運行中,哈伯越來越精確的距離測量促成了天文學中最有趣的未解決問題 ...
NGC 7038 GalaxyFacts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 7038 is an Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Indus in the southern hemisphere. NGC 7038's distance from Earth is 200,794,912.36 light years. NGC 7038 is called NGC 7038 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
旋涡星系NGC 7038_腾讯新闻
2022年11月12日 · NGC 7038, 位于印第安座(Indus),距离地球2.2亿光年,这张图片由哈勃空间望远镜拍摄,详细描绘了旋涡星系NGC 7038 及其周围的恒星和星系,耗时15个小时。 NGC 7038是一个非常有价值的观测目标,对天文学家在广阔的宇宙尺度上测量距离特别有帮助。 宇宙距离的测量依赖于一条相互关联着的技术之链,称为宇宙距离阶梯(Cosmic Distance Ladder)。 此链从雷达范围开始,可以确定太阳系内的距离,继而用视差法和标准烛光技术。 这些技术 …
本周哈勃图像,NGC 7038, 位于印第安座(Indus - Sina.cn
本周哈勃图像,NGC 7038, 位于印第安座(Indus),距离地球2.2亿光年,这张图片由哈勃空间望远镜拍摄,详细描绘了旋涡星系NGC 7038 及其周围的恒星和星系,耗时15个小时。
NGC 7038 – Through Light and Time
2023年8月24日 · NGC 7038 is an intermediate spiral galaxy situated 220 million light years away in the constellation of Indus. The galaxy was one of the reference galaxies used to improve the accuracy of distance measurements at large cosmic scales.
#558 NGC 7038 - Carnegie Science
Radial Profiles • summary from 1-D atlas • surface brightness and color profile plot • geometric and Fourier parameters plot • surface brightness ( B, V, R, I) • ellipticity ( B, V, R, I) • position angle ( B, V, R, I)