NGC 7129 - Wikipedia
NGC 7129 is a reflection nebula located 3,300 light years away in the constellation Cepheus. A young open cluster is responsible for illuminating the surrounding nebula. [ 2 ] A recent survey …
NGC 7129 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 7129是一個位於仙王座的反射星雲,距離地球約3300光年。一個年輕疏散星團將環繞在周圍的星雲照亮 [2] 。最近的研究認為該星團有超過130個年齡1百萬年以下的恆星 [來源請求] 。ngc …
NGC 7129 is a celestial object visible during summer nights in the northern hemisphere (circumpolar visible) in the central-western part of the Cepheus constellation, approximately 4 …
NGC 7129 (Rainer Raupach) - AstroBin
NGC 7129 is a reflection nebula primarily, where the originating open cluster is supposed to be younger than 1 Mio. years. Additionally at some shock fronts the hot stars trigger faint Hα …
NGC 7129 - AstroBin
Build: 4c087aa0c9eb9c139d22fc44665615afc2f1fa04 . This target is a fantastic active nebula with delicate Ha emissions , Herbi-Haro objects, young stars and beautiful delicate blue reflection …
NGC 7129 – Reflection Nebula in Cepheus - Chaotic Nebula
2021年10月15日 · NGC 7129 is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Cepheus. Located 3,300 light years away, NGC 7129 is a young open cluster of newborn stars. Many of the stars …
NGC 7129与NGC 7142 | NASA中文
Explanation: This wide-field telescopic image looks toward the constellation Cepheus and an intriguing visual pairing of dusty reflection nebula NGC 7129 (right) and open star cluster NGC …
Reflection Nebula NGC 7129 - spitzer.caltech.edu
These bright young stars are found in a rosebud-shaped (and rose-colored) nebulosity known as NGC 7129. The star cluster and its associated nebula are located at a distance of 3300 light …
NGC 7129 - 百度百科
ngc 7129是一个位于仙王座的反射星云,距离地球约3300光年。 一个年轻疏散星团将环绕在周围的星云照亮。 最近的研究认为该星团有超过130个年龄1百万年以下的恒星。
NGC 7129: A Reflection Nebula in Cepheus - Sky & Telescope
2021年11月6日 · NGC 7129 is a striking reflection nebula in Cepheus that is situated 9.9 deg above the Galactic plane at a distance of about 3300 lys, Its color derives from scattering by …