NGC 7318 - Wikipedia
NGC 7318 (also known as UGC 12099/UGC 12100 or HCG 92d/b) is a pair of colliding galaxies about 280 million light-years from Earth. [1] . They appear in the Constellation Pegasus and are members of Stephan's Quintet. [3] . They were discovered on 27 September 1873 by French astronomer Édouard Stephan. [4]
NGC 7318 A and B NIRCAM plus MIRI | 3D Resources - NASA
NGC7318 A and B are two galaxies in the compact group and The image of the galaxies shows the strong interaction between the two including tidal tails and substantial disruption of regular spiral structures. There are shock waves present and …
来自哈勃的斯蒂芬五重奏 | NASA中文
The odd galaxy out is easy to spot in this recently reprocessed image by the Hubble Space Telescope — the interacting galaxies, NGC 7319, 7318B, 7318A, and 7317 (left to right), have a more dominant yellowish cast. They also tend to have distorted loops and tails, grown under the influence of disruptive gravitational tides.
NGC 7318 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 7318 (也稱為 UGC 12099/UGC 12100 或 HCG 92d/b)是在 飛馬座 的方向上,距離3億 光年 遠的一組星系。 他門是著名的,正在進行 碰撞 的 史蒂芬五重星系 成員。 史匹哲太空望遠鏡 揭露了星系群間巨大衝擊產生的激波,在圖片右邊壯觀的綠色弧線是一個星系以每小時數百萬英里的速度撞向另一個星系產生的。 當NGC 7138B和NGC 7138A撞擊時,氣體從星系團中被拋出,氫原子被激震波加熱,導致綠色的光輝,在這裡看見的氫分子是曾經被觀測到的中最動盪不安的。 …
宇宙煙火秀 兩星系以200萬英里時速相撞 | 史蒂芬五重奏 | NGC 7318b …
2024年11月26日 · 這次高速碰撞對NGC 7318b造成了嚴重破壞,會使其原本的氫氣儲量大量丟失。 隨著氫氣儲量下降,可能會讓NGC 7318b星系中新恆星的生成速度降低,因為這些恆星的燃料主要是氫原子。
NGC 7318B - Barred Spiral Galaxy in Pegasus | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 7318B is a Barred Spiral Galaxy in the Pegasus constellation. NGC 7318B is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its B magnitude of 14.06, NGC 7318B is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 14 inches (350mm) or more.
NGC 7317, NGC 7318A, NGC 7318B, NGC 7319, NGC 7320C (Stephan …
2012年10月1日 · NGC7317-7320C technical data / Telescope: Newtonian (d=443mm, f=2048mm) / Location: Emberger Alm, Kaernten, Austria / Camera: SBIG ST-10XME with AO-8 and CFW-9 / Exposure: 12 hours (luminance 72x5 min. bin 1x1, red 18x5 min. bin 2x2, green 19x5 min. bin 2x2, blue 35x5 min. bin 2x2)
NGC 7318 A and B HST WFC3 | 3D Resources - NASA
It was the first such compact group discovered and is also called Hickson Compact Group 92. 4 galaxies are physically connected and interacting: NGC 7318 A and B, NGC7319, and NGC7317 (and possibly NGC7320c).
宇宙烟火秀 两星系以200万英里时速相撞 | 史蒂芬五重奏 | NGC 7318b …
2024年11月26日 · 史蒂芬五重奏星系团里面主要是由五个邻近星系群组成,分别是ngc 7317、ngc 7318a、ngc 7318b、ngc 7319和ngc 7320。史蒂芬五重奏首次在1877年被观察到,它因在1946年的圣诞电影《生活多美好》开头扮演天使的形象闻名世界。
Stephan's Quintet-A Galaxy Collision in Action - NASA
2009年7月9日 · The galaxy NGC 7318b is passing through the core of galaxies at almost 2 million miles per hour, and is thought to be causing the ridge of X-ray emission by generating a shock wave that heats the gas. Additional heating by supernova explosions and stellar winds has also probably taken place in Stephan’s Quintet. A larger halo of X-ray ...