NGC 765 - Wikipedia
NGC 765 is an intermediate spiral galaxy located in the constellation Aries. It is located at a distance of circa 220 million light years from Earth, which, given its apparent dimensions, …
NGC 765 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
是 白羊座 的一個 星系。 维基共享资源 上的相關多媒體資源: NGC 765 NED – NGC 765 SEDS – NGC 765 SIMBAD – NGC 765 VizieR – NGC 765
NGC 765 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 765 是 白羊座 的一個 星系。
NGC 765 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2013年3月11日 · NED – NGC 765 SEDS – NGC 765 SIMBAD – NGC 765 VizieR – NGC 765 天文學目錄 NGC天體表 : NGC 763 - NGC 764 - NGC 765 - NGC 766 - NGC 767 分类 : 白 …
[1006.3273] NGC 765 - A disturbed H I giant - arXiv.org
2010年6月16日 · We present Hi spectral line and radio-continuum VLA data of the galaxy NGC 765, complemented by optical and Chandra X-ray maps. NGC 765 has the largest Hi-to …
NGC 765 - 百度百科
NGC 765 – a disturbed H i giant - IEEE Xplore
Abstract: We present H i spectral line and radio-continuum Very Large Array (VLA) data of the galaxy NGC 765, complemented by optical and Chandra X-ray maps. NGC 765 has the …
[PDF] NGC 765 – a disturbed H i giant | Semantic Scholar
We present a study of the distribution and kinematics of the neutral gas in the low-inclination Scd galaxy NGC 6946. The galaxy has been observed for 192 h at 21-cm with the Westerbork …
NGC 765 - astrophotos.net
NGC 765 Aries Penryn, California November 2008 M 250 @ f 9.3 (ag, ST-4) ST-10XME LRGB 10 minute subs NGC 765 is classified as SBbc-R, size 3x3, mag. 16 surface brightness and 221 …
NGC 765 - A disturbed H I giant - INSPIRE
We present Hi spectral line and radio-continuum VLA data of the galaxy NGC 765, complemented by optical and Chandra X-ray maps. NGC 765 has the largest Hi-to-optical ratio known to date …