NGC 7680 - Elliptical/Spiral Galaxy in Pegasus - TheSkyLive
NGC 7680 is a Elliptical/Spiral Galaxy in the Pegasus constellation. NGC 7680 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its B magnitude of 13.5, NGC 7680 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 14 inches (350mm) or more.
NGC 7680 – Wikipedia
NGC 7680 ist eine linsenförmige Galaxie vom Hubble-Typ E-S0 im Sternbild Pegasus. Sie ist schätzungsweise 238 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt. Das Objekt wurde am 2.
NGC 7680 (H2485) in Pegasus | Herschel Catalogue - Go …
NGC 7680 (H2485) NGC 7680 (H2485) is a galaxy located in the constellation of Pegasus. The Herchel 2500 is a catalog of nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC 7680:
NGC 7680 - 银河 - SKY-MAP - presentstar.com
Redshift-Distance Survey of Early-Type Galaxies: Spectroscopic Data We present central velocity dispersions and Mg2 line indicesfor an all-sky sample of ~1178 elliptical and S0 galaxies, of which 984had no previous measures.
NGC7680 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2024年4月13日 · NGC 7680 -- Galaxy towards a Group of Galaxies The astronomical object called NGC 7680 is a Galaxy towards a Group of Galaxies Origin of the objects types :
NGC7680 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
Guides to the night sky. Location: Virginia Beach (36.85°N; 75.98°W) NGC7680 (Galaxy)
NGC 7680 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
NGC 7680 -- Galaxy in Group of Galaxies The astronomical object called NGC 7680 is a Galaxy in Group of Galaxies: Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref" (acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or ...
NGC 7680 – Wikipedie
NGC 7680 je galaxie v souhvězdí Pegase. Její zdánlivá jasnost je 12,5 m a úhlová velikost 1,9′ × 1,9′. Je vzdálená 259 milionů světelných let. Galaxie má malou satelitní galaxii PGC 3088959 magnitudy 16 m. Galaxii objevil 2. listopadu 1790 William Herschel. [3]
NGC 7680 – Wikipedija
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NGC 7680-1 - Wikipedia
NGC 7680-1 (također poznat kao MCG 5-55-23, PGC 71541 i UGC 12616) je eliptična galaksija koja je udaljena oko 236 miliona sg od Zemlje i nalazi se u sazviježđu Pegaz. Najveći prečnik je 1,90 (130 hiljada sg) a najmanji 1,9 uglovnih minuta (130 hiljada sg).