NGC 7714 - Wikipedia
NGC 7714 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces. Its velocity with respect to the cosmic microwave background is 2430 ± 26 km/s, which corresponds to a Hubble distance of 116.9 ± 8.3 Mly (35.85 ± 2.54 Mpc). [2] In addition, five non-redshift measurements give a distance of 92.24 ± 8.69 Mly (28.280 ± 2.664 Mpc). [5]
NGC 7715 - Irregular Galaxy in Pisces | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 7715 is a Irregular Galaxy in the Pisces constellation. NGC 7715 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 7700 - 7749 - cseligman.com
2023年10月29日 · NGC 7715 is probably a spiral galaxy that passed close to NGC 7714, stripping away a considerable portion of its original gas and stars, and distorting both galaxies; if the near-miss had been a more direct collision, NGC 7714 might have ended up as a "ring" galaxy.
The tell-tale signs of a galactic merger | ESA/Hubble
2015年1月29日 · Tell-tale signs of this brutality can be seen in NGC 7714's strangely shaped arms, and in the smoky golden haze that stretches out from the galactic centre. So what caused this disfigurement? The culprit is a smaller companion named NGC 7715, which lies just out of the frame of this image — but is visible in the wider-field DSS image .
NGC 7715 Galaxy (UGC 12700) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 7715 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Pisces in the equatorial region. NGC 7715's distance from Earth is 71,917,481.28 light years. NGC 7715 is called NGC 7715 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 to update John Herschel's earlier work.
Hanson Astronomy Photos-Arp 284 - Quasars
Arp 284 (NGC 7714-7715) Three Giant Leaps . Description by Brian Ottum. Three different objects in this image demonstrate the immensity of the known universe. The bright star is 16 Piscium, located just 100 light-years from Earth, within our home Milky Way galaxy. The pair of interacting galaxies (Arp 284) are a thousand times further away than ...
NGC 7715 — Wikipédia
NGC 7715 est une galaxie irrégulière (de type magellanique) particulière, vue par la tranche 1 et située dans la constellation des Poissons. Sa vitesse par rapport au fond diffus cosmologique est de 2 403 ± 26 km/s, ce qui correspond à une distance de Hubble de …
Interacting Galaxy System NGC 7714 -7715 (Terry Robison
NGC 7714 is located about 130 million light years away. It is the larger galaxy and has been stretched and distorted during its encounter with NGC 7715 (the lower, thin drawn-out galaxy). The most prominent feature is the golden-coloured ring-like structure.
Galaxies NGC 7714 & NGC 7715; supernova 1999dn - kopernik.org
Interaction with the companion galaxy is thought to cause the burst of star formation in NGC 7714's nucleus. NGC 7715, the companion, is of uncertain type. It is probably an edge-on Spiral Galaxy, or possibly an Irregular Galaxy, similar to the Milky Way's Megellanic Clouds.
NGC 7714/5 (Arp 284) - East Tennessee State University
NGC 7714/5 (Arp 284) At optical (red) wavelengths, the peculiar galaxy NGC 7714/5 looks like this: NGC 7714 is to the right (west) and NGC 7715 to the east. The galaxies are separated by 2 arcminutes (25 kiloparsecs). Note the stellar bridge between the galaxies and the tidal tails extending from both galaxies.