NGC 869 - Wikipedia
NGC 869 (also known as h Persei) is an open cluster located around 7,460 light years away in the constellation of Perseus. [2] The cluster is around 14 million years old. [2] It is the west component of the Double Cluster with NGC 884. NGC 869 and 884 are often designated h and χ (chi) Persei, respectively.
Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884) – Constellation Guide
2016年4月2日 · The Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884) is a pair of two young open clusters located 7,600 light years away in the constellation Perseus. The clusters lie just east of Cassiopeia's W asterism.
NGC 869 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 869 是位於 英仙座 的一個 疏散星团,距離7,600 光年 [2],年齡可能有1,300萬年 [2],它和位於英仙座 OB1星協最西邊的疏散星團 NGC 884 合稱為 雙星團。 這兩個星團相距只有數百光年,在物理上有會相互影響。 喜帕恰斯 是最早記錄下這兩個星團的人,但很可能古人早就已經知道這兩個星團。 這個雙星團是業餘天文學家喜愛的目標,經常會使用小型望遠鏡觀察或拍攝。 它很容易找到,以裸眼就可以在 英仙座 和 仙后座 之間看見,在冬季的銀河中間就像是一個明亮的 …
Caldwell 14 - Science@NASA
2024年8月23日 · Visible to the naked eye from a dark location, Caldwell 14 is popularly known as the Double Cluster in Perseus. These two bright open clusters, also called NGC 869 and NGC 884, appear side by side, about halfway between the bright stars in the constellations Perseus and Cassiopeia.
Double Cluster - Wikipedia
The Double Cluster, also known as Caldwell 14, consists of the open clusters NGC 869 and NGC 884 (often designated h Persei and χ (chi) Persei, respectively), which are close together in the constellation Perseus.
NGC 869 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 869 是位于 英仙座 的一个 疏散星团,距离7,600 光年 [2],年龄可能有1,300万年 [2],它和位于英仙座 OB1星协最西边的疏散星团 NGC 884 合称为 双星团。 这两个星团相距只有数百光 …
NGC 869 - 百度百科
ngc 869 是位于 英仙座 的一个 疏散星团 ,距离7,600 光年 ,年龄可能有1,300万年,它和位于英仙座 ob1星协最西边的疏散星团 ngc 884 合称为 双星团 。 中文名
NGC 869 and NGC 884 - The Double Cluster (h Chi Persei)
NGC 869 and NGC 884 - The Double Cluster (h Chi Persei) The double clusters h and χ Persei, located in the constellation Perseus, are a stunning pair of open star clusters that have fascinated astronomers for centuries. These clusters, estimated to be around 14 million years old, are relatively young and packed with massive, luminous stars.
h+χ Persei, Double Cluster (NGC 869/884) | Deep⋆Sky Corner
300 mm Aperture: This beautiful double star cluster is one of my favorite objects in the short focal length 300 mm f/4 Newtons. With the 21 mm Tele Vue Ethos you have 1.75° field of view and both clusters fit easily into the field of view.
APOD: 2005 October 11 - NGC 869 and NGC 884: A Double Open …
Also known as "h and chi Persei", this unusual double cluster, shown above, is bright enough to be seen from a dark location without even binoculars. Although their discovery surely predates written history, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus notably cataloged the "double cluster ".