NGC 9 - Wikipedia
NGC 9 is a spiral galaxy about 140 million light-years away in the Pegasus constellation. It was discovered on 27 September 1865 by Otto Wilhelm von Struve . [ 3 ]
NGC 9 - Spiral Galaxy in Pegasus | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 9 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Pegasus constellation. NGC 9 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year. Given its B magnitude of 14.5, NGC 9 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 20 inches (500mm) or more.
NGCX - A New 10-Point Grading Scale for Coins | NGC
NGC is the first grading authority to offer a 10-point grading scale for coins, with the same precision, consistency and guarantee we've been known for since our founding in 1987. Coexisting with NGC's industry-standard 70-point grading scale, NGCX makes it easier than ever for collectors of comics, TCGs, sports cards and other collectibles ...
NGC 9 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 9. NGC 9是飛馬座的罕有的漩渦星系。星等為13.7,赤經為8分54.5秒,赤緯為+23°49'4"。在1865年9月27日被首次發現。 紅位移有4528km/s
NGC 9 — Wikipédia
NGC 9 est une galaxie spirale découverte en 1865 par l'astronome russo-américain Otto Struve. Sa vitesse par rapport au fond diffus cosmologique est de 4 183 ± 26 km/s, ce qui correspond à une distance de Hubble de 61,7 ± 4,3 Mpc (∼201 millions d'al) [1]. Elle est séparée de l'étoile double NGC 8 de 2,7 minutes d'arc. Elle a la ...
NGC 9 - Wikipedia
NGC 9 è una galassia a spirale (Sb/P) di magnitudine apparente 13,7 situata nella costellazione di Pegaso. Il 24 settembre 2021 è stata individuata la supernova di tipo Ib SN2021zju dal programma di ricerca automatico ATLAS. Il massimo di luminosità è stato raggiunto il 10 ottobre 2021 con magn. +16,7 [2].
NGC天体列表 (2000-2999) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 2336 - 这是一个大漩涡星系在北极星方向。 ngc 2346 - 这是麒麟座的一个行星状星云。 ngc 2349 - 这是麒麟座的一个疏散星团。 ngc 2359 - 托尔的头盔,这是一个星云; ngc 2360 - 这是大犬座的一个疏散星团。 ngc 2362 - 这是大犬座的一个疏散星团,有时被称为墨西哥跳星。
Category : NGC 9 - Wikimedia
English: NGC 9 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pegasus. It is located at RA 00 h 08 m 54.7 s , dec +23° 49′ 02″ ( J2000 ), and has an apparent magnitude of 14.5.
NGC 9 - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年12月23日 · NGC 9 is a spiral galaxy about 140 million light years away in the Pegasus constellation. It was discovered on 27 September 1865 by Otto Struve. NGC 9 Wikipedia (Text) CC BYSA
NGC 9 - Wikipedia
ngc 9は、ペガスス座の方角に約1億4000万光年の位置にある渦巻銀河である。1865年 9月27日にオットー・ヴィルヘルム・フォン・シュトルーベによって発見された [3] 。