New German Performance - Since 1997, NGP has been your …
New German Performance - Since 1997, NGP has been your source for OEM & aftermarket performance parts for VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, and Mini Cooper vehicles. Looking for the latest in VW and Audi parts, upgrades, and accessories? TuneZilla’s range of performance ECU and TCU tuning solutions are now available at NGP.
Customer Cars - New German Performance
Since 1997, NGP has been your source for OEM & aftermarket performance parts for VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, and Mini Cooper vehicles.
New German Performance - OEM Parts, Maintenance and …
2025年3月13日 · New German Performance provides parts, maintenance and performance upgrades for most German vehicle makes and models including Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche and Volkswagen.
GitHub - mika-n/NGPCarMenu: Custom "Select Car in-game …
Custom "Select Car in-game menu" for Richard Burns Rally (RBR v1.02 SSE) game. The plugin supports custom car preview images (the real RBR 3D rendered custom car images), car specs from NGP physics model (engine, transmission, FIA category, year, etc), longer car menu names (up to 30 chars in a menu) and even more chars in the car specs window.
All - New German Performance
New German Performance isn't just another online store that exists to sling car parts at you. We also operate two fully functional shops that actively work on both new and old Audis and VWs every day.
Shop Cars - New German Performance
Since 1997, NGP has been your source for OEM & aftermarket performance parts for VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, and Mini Cooper vehicles.
about NGP Group|NGP日本自動車リサイクル事業協同組合
The ngp group provides recycled parts that the times demand throughout an expanding national network. Formed in 1985, the NGP Group has continued to respond to the needs of our customers. Now that a global awareness over problems of the environment and its resources has been growing, particularly aggressive measures are being sought out in the ...
Project Cars - New German Performance
NGP Racing has built several project cars since it first opened. From Polo 1.8T swaps to supercharged RS4’s, classically styled Mk1’s to 600 horsepower VR6 turbo monsters, we’ve built a little bit of everything.
RBR New Physics for non-ngp cars - OverTake (Formerly …
2019年2月10日 · Unfortunately, 90's / 00's many rallycars does not have NGP physics. So, I making new physics based on original & NGP Physics. *This is not ngp physics, but my personal works. Personally I am satisfied with the movement of the vehicle. However, Don't think of it as an NGP, but enjoy it. Thanks to the great work of Workerbee.
New Products - New German Performance
New German Performance isn't just another online store that exists to sling car parts at you. We also operate two fully functional shops that actively work on both new and old Audis and VWs every day. Since we actually work on the cars you're buying parts for, we can honestly say that we have hands on experience with them.