Single-cell transcriptome profiling reveals neutrophil ... - Nature
2020年7月27日 · Gr1 + cells were isolated from BM, PB and spleen by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) (Fig. 1a). To capture the whole spectrum of neutrophil maturation and identify potential neutrophil...
单细胞测序揭示不同环境下的中性粒细胞异质性 - 腾讯云
2022年3月14日 · 一部分 G3 细胞跟随 G2 扩增并表达次级颗粒基因,如 Ltf、Camp 和 Ngp(图 1e)。 骨髓 中的中性粒细胞分化以更成熟的 G4 群体高度表达 Mmp8(编码中性粒细胞介导的宿主防御的关键颗粒蛋白)和 Cxcl2 结束,这对中性粒细胞移动很重要(图 1d,e)。
Identification of an Early Unipotent Neutrophil Progenitor with Pro ...
Here, we use Cytometry by Time-of-Flight (CyTOF) and Single-cell RNA-Sequencing (scRNA-Seq) methodologies to identify a committed unipotent early-stage neutrophil progenitor in adult mouse bone marrow. Importantly, we also discovered a similar unipotent, committed neutrophil progenitor (hNeP) that is present in healthy human bone marrow.
Phenotypic and functional analysis of the modification of murine …
2013年2月1日 · ( A) NGP enhanced the phenotypic maturation of BMDC. The BMDC were phenotypically assessed using FACS analyses to determine the expression levels of specific cell surface molecules, as shown in the percentage of expression. NGP clearly increased the expression of CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86 and MHC-II (a representative of …
The neutrotime transcriptional signature defines a single …
2021年5月17日 · Neutrophils are implicated in multiple homeostatic and pathological processes, but whether functional diversity requires discrete neutrophil subsets is not known. Here, we apply single-cell RNA...
中性粒细胞 单细胞测序:中性粒细胞 marker(一) - 知乎
2024年3月20日 · 在单细胞分析过程中,想要对任何细胞类型进行进一步详细的亚群定义,都需要首先将目的细胞类型完整地从包含有各种其他细胞类型的混合群体中筛选出来,这个时候就需要我们对目的细胞类型的marker十分熟悉。 因此,为了能够更好地从各类细胞类型中筛选出 中性粒细胞,在此首先介绍几篇已发表的人的包含有中性粒细胞的单细胞数据来学习其中的用以定义中性粒细胞的marker。 1. COVID-19 immune features revealed by a large-scale single-cell …
流式细胞分选原理 - 知乎
流式分选细胞,又可称之为 荧光激活细胞分选 (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting, FACS),一种利用荧光标记和 流式细胞仪 对细胞进行检测和分选的技术,简而言之:利用 荧光素 标记 细胞 特异蛋白分子,通过调节仪器合适的电压、补偿等,通过荧光将目的细胞与非 ...
Identification of a myeloid-derived suppressor cell cystatin-like ...
This study utilized proteomic analysis of MDSCs associated with tumor metastasis to identify NGP. NGP was down-regulated in MDSCs isolated from metastatic compared to nonmetastatic hosts. Ectopic expression of NGP inhibited cathepsin B activity, hindered tumor cell invasion, and decreased lung metastasis.
Analysis of classical neutrophils and polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived ...
In this study, using single-cell RNA-seq, cell mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, and functional analysis, we characterized the heterogeneity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in cancer.
SiglecF(HI) Marks Late‐Stage Neutrophils of the Infarcted Heart: A ...
2021年2月2日 · Our data provide a temporal atlas of neutrophil specialization from the bone marrow through the blood to the heart after myocardial infarction in mice. We find a late‐emerging SiglecF HI cardiac neutrophil that expresses high levels of …