Prescription Drug Monitoring Program | New Hampshire …
The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) promotes the quality of patient care and appropriate use of schedule II-IV controlled substances for legitimate medical purposes, including the deterrence of misuse and diversion of controlled substances.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program | New Hampshire …
The NH Prescription Drug Monitoring Program collects and stores data on controlled substances to enhance patient care, prevent misuse, and provide access to prescription information.
What is the PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program)? ght years. The NH PDMP is a web-based data system that contains information on controlled prescription medications dispensed by New Hampshire licensed retail pharmacies and other spensers. New Hampshire is contracted with APPRISS – PMP AWARxE Prescription Monitoring Program to provide th
The NH PDMP is a web-based, clinical tool that New Hampshire licensed practitioners can use when prescribing or dispensing Schedule II-IV controlled substances to their patients.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs)
2024年5月6日 · A prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) is an electronic database that tracks controlled substance prescriptions. Information from PDMPs can help clinicians identify patients who may be at risk for overdose and provide …
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: New Hampshire State …
2021年1月1日 · The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC) reports 2020 data and 2021 features of the New Hampshire state Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP).
NH PDMP is a clinical tool that exists to promote the appropriate use of controlled medications for legitimate medical purposes, while deterring the misuse and diversion of controlled medications. NH PDMP also serves as a surveillance tool that is used to monitor statewide trends in the prescribing, dispensing, and use of controlled medications.
PDMP Other Links and Resources - NH Office of Professional …
This site will allow practitioners and the general public to search by location and service type to find available service providers in New Hampshire. Treatment is available. Help make a referral today. Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Home
Please select your PMP system from the sites below: Alabama PMP Alaska PMP Arizona PMP Arkansas PMP Colorado PMP Connecticut PMP District of Columbia PMP Georgia PMP Hawaii PMP Idaho PMP Kansas PMP Louisiana PMP Maine PMP Massachusetts PMP Michigan PMP Mississippi PMP Missouri PMP Nevada PMP New Hampshire PMP …
PMP Gateway provides integrated access to the NH PDMP database within an Electronic Health Record (EHR)/Pharmacy Management System (PMS). This provides a streamlined clinical workflow for providers. The integration eliminates the need for providers to have to log in separately to the NH PMP AWARxE web portal.