Residual Current Devices (RCD's)- NHP Australia
NHP’s DIN-T range of residual current devices (RCDs) are a high-performance electrical safety solution designed for commercial, industrial and mining applications. These RCDs offer a high level of selectivity, with sensitives including 10mA, 30mA, 100mA and 300mA, and types starting at Type A for general purpose applications through to Type F ...
RTS not only reduces risk but reduces site downtime as the RTS system completes RCD testing up to 180 times faster than traditional RCD testing methods. RTS allows RCD’s to be tested with the Panelboard escutcheon closed so there is no access to live parts. All the technician needs to do at the switchboard is physically reset the RCD.
NHP DIN-T Residual Current Device Long Body w/ Overcurrent …
NHP is the exclusive authorised distributor for Allen-Bradley products in the entire South Pacific region
NHP offer two types of MCBs: • Current limiting type: Circuit breaker with sufficiently short trip time to prevent the short-circuit current from reaching the peak value. Defined by B, C and D curves. DIN-T and MOD6 MCBs are current limiting type.
非人灵长类动物(NHP)模型 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
非人灵长类动物(non-human primates,NHP)在生理、认知能力、神经解剖学、社会复杂性、繁殖和发育等方面与人类具有高度相似性。 与人类的遗传物质有75%~98.5%的同源性,这种同源性在基础和转化生物医学研究中发挥着重…
Société française au coeur du bassin rennais depuis 2010, NHP MOTOCULTURE propose de nombreuses pièces détachées de motoculture et vous accompagne dans le suivi et le conseil au quotidien
未来已来!Capstan首次公布基于抗体偶联LNP的In vivo CAR-T NHP …
2024年11月18日 · Capstan评估了CPTX2309的一种交叉反应性抗CD20 CAR替代物 (CPTX2309-S) 在非人灵长类动物 (NHP) 中的安全性和有效性。 在剂量为0.1-2.0 mpk,给药3次的情况下,0.1-1.0mpk给药组显示出良好的安全性和耐受性,其中1.5和2.0mpk组观察到了部分指标的显著升高 (IL-6, MCP-1) 。
Plant Cell | 糖基转移酶UGT76B1调节植物免疫的机制 - 知乎
研究表明,当植物受到病原菌侵染后,会通过组织之间可移动的信号调节远端组织的防御反应,获得系统获得性抗性(SAR)。 SAR对植物免疫至关重要,并且N-羟基哌啶酸(N-hydroxy-pipecolic acid, NHP)已经被确定为其中的主要信号之一【1】。 NHP形成的生物合成途径已经基本明确(图1):首先是 L-赖氨酸 被ALD1(AGD2-LIKE DEFENSE RESPONSE PROTEIN 1)转化为ε-氨基-α-酮己酸;该化合物自发地环化为Δ1-哌啶-2-羧酸(P2C),并通过SARD4(SAR DEFICIENT …
What is the tripping time for general type 30mA RCDs as per standards AS/NZS 61009 & AS/NZS61008? This device is a mechanical switch with an RCD function added to it. Its sole function is to provide protection against earth leakages. There …