Any Qualified Provider - Wikipedia
Any Qualified Provider (AQP) is a contractual system within the NHS internal market of the English National Health Service. The system was introduced under the Labour administration in 2009/10 under the name "Any Willing Provider" and was accelerated under the coalition Government which formed in 2010.
This paper explains how this can be achieved by using the right levers (competition and choice) to achieve the right outcome. ifferent models under which AQP may operate. As a policy that aims to take into account patients’ values and needs, the NHS Confederation envisa competition in the market competition for the market a combination of the ...
Pan-London Nursing Homes AQP – Contract introduction for …
2023年9月22日 · An AQP is a procurement model that allows Commissioners to choose from a range of providers, all of whom meet NHS quality and pricing standards. The contract is centrally managed by the London Purchased Healthcare Team (LPH).
We have made some of the material from NHS Supply2Health available on the Monitor website. Where can I go if I have more questions about the Monitor report or AQP? We can advise on the...
Any Qualified Provider (AQP) | First Community Health Care
Any qualified provider (AQP) is a type of NHS contract, which allows non NHS as well as NHS organisations to provide NHS services. AQP contracts apply to West Sussex residents. The AQP programme aims to give patients more choice about where they receive selected health services.
Any Qualified Provider : NHS Gloucestershire ICB
Referring clinicians offer patients a choice of qualified providers for the service being referred to. Competition is based on quality, not price. Providers are paid a fixed price determined by a national or local tariff. For a list of NHS Gloucestershire’s AQP procurement schemes, please see current procurements.
An ongoing role for the voluntary and independent sectors in complementing NHS provision would continue; through national and regional procurement exercises as are currently underway to boost NHS capacity to provide elective services; and through simplified AQP arrangements.
How to land any qualified provider status - Health Service Journal
Andrew Harvey outlines some simple steps to follow for providers to secure AQP status and ensure their offering is the best it can be. The movement in the last decade towards increasing patient choice by allowing non-NHS organisations to provide services under any qualified provider contracts has been central to NHS reforms.
Any Qualified Provider - NHS Confederation
2011年6月28日 · This paper explains how this can be achieved by using the right levers (competition and choice) to achieve the right outcome. This paper looks at the introduction of the Any Qualified Provider (AQP) policy and debates the …
Any qualified provider: a qualitative case study of one community NHS …
2016年2月23日 · Our analysis indicates that the potential of AQP policy to increase quality of care is, at best, equivocal, and that any consideration of how AQP impacts on practice can only be understood by reference to a wider range of health policy reforms. Keywords: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited.