NHS Tayside
Visit our vaccination page for information on the vaccinations provided by NHS Tayside. Find out how to get the right care in the right place when you need advice or treatment. 12 March 2025
Contact NHS Tayside
To contact NHS Tayside Switchboard by telephone please call 01382 660111. if you are looking for the telephone number of a ward/hospital, please browse to the page for that site within our …
NHS Tayside
Within this section you will find information about services delivered by NHS Tayside. Not all of our services have a webpage at the moment. This list will be added to as more services …
NHS Tayside
NHS Tayside Planned Care Waiting Times The information on this page is for patients who are waiting for an outpatient appointment or for planned or elective surgery. It does not show …
NHS Tayside
To find Doctors, Dentists, Opticians and Pharmacies in Tayside please use the link below. For our hospital services please see Our Services A-Z and Our Premises A-Z.
NHS Tayside
The NHS is Scotland's biggest employer. If you want the chance to make a real difference to people's lives, consider a career with NHS Tayside.
NHS Tayside
Local Emergency Departments remain open for those who have a life-threatening emergency. However, to ensure patients have the fastest access to the treatment they need, anyone with a …
NHS Tayside
2024年10月31日 · NHS Tayside volunteers joined Board members at the Tayside NHS Board meeting today (Thursday) to officially launch the 2024-25 STAR Awards. Nominations are now …
NHS Tayside
We provide advice, guidance and information on Primary Care matters to the practitioners contracted to provide the service, other departments within NHS Tayside, various external …
NHS Tayside
Attend Anywhere is a secure NHS video call service for pre-arranged appointment patient appointments. A Near Me appointment may be offered if your clinician feels it would be …