Synthesis of in situ grown CNTs on MOF-derived Ni@CNT with …
2025年1月1日 · In this work, we prepared MOF-derived Ni@carbon nanotubes (Ni@CNT) with controllable length of CNTs by solvothermal and simple one-step pyrolysis method and revealed the CNT growth mechanism. We further investigated the effect of in situ grown CNT morphology on electromagnetic parameters and EMA performance.
High-performance capacitors based on in situ Ni-doped CoMoO
2 天之前 · In this study, in-situ Ni-doped CoMoO 4 @CNTs composite electrode materials were synthesized by utilizing Ni ions from nitric acid-pretreated nickel foam as a nickel source. The electrochemical properties of these Ni-doped CoMoO 4 @CNTs composites with varying CNT additions were systematically investigated.
Nanoconfinement effects of Ni@CNT for efficient electrocatalytic …
2022年3月15日 · The spatial encapsulation and separation by the CNT shells can protect the Ni NPs from the self-aggregation and surface oxidation, realizing high dispersity and stability. The developed Ni@CNT hybrid shows the superior performance for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in alkaline.
Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes Revealed by in situ …
2024年9月25日 · Elucidating the growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is critical to obtaining CNTs with desired structures and tailored properties for their practical applications. With atomic resolution imaging, in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been a key technique to reveal the microstructure and dynamics of CNTs in real time.
Multi-Dimensional Ni@TiN/CNT Heterostructure with Tandem …
3 天之前 · Meanwhile, the chainmail structure of CNT prevents the oxidation and leaching of active sites, thereby significantly enhancing the stability of Ni@TiN/CNT. This work provides a new inspiration for the preparation of durable and efficient NO2RR electrocatalysts with …
不同Ni含量NiCoAl LDH的制备及CNT/Ni0.3CoAl LDH材料的电化学 …
摘要: 利用水热法一步合成了不同镍、钴元素比例的镍钴铝层状氢氧化物(NiCoAl LDH),并探究了不同Ni元素含量的NiCoAlLDH的电化学性能,在Ni和Co的物质的量之比为3:7时,Ni 0.3 CoAl LDH具有最优电化学性能。
Microstructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of CNT/Ni ...
2019年6月21日 · Pinning of grain boundaries and grain interiors by CNT and Ni coated CNT aided in preventing grain coarsening in Al alloy–CNT (AC) and ANC samples. Strength levels are found to be significantly enhanced for AC and ANC samples when compared to AA because of grain refinement, dislocation and dispersion strengthening mechanisms by CNT, Al 4 C 3 ...
Carbon Nanotube-Supported Co–Ni-Pt Ternary Alloy Ultrafine ...
2 天之前 · The study focuses on improving methanol electrocatalytic oxidation (MOR) by optimizing platinum-based alloy electrocatalysts. Co–Ni-Pt ternary alloy nanoparticles were successfully deposited on carbon nanotubes via a chemical reduction method, forming a composite of Co–Ni-Pt nanoparticles/carbon nanotubes (Co–Ni-Pt NPs/CNTs). Various characterization techniques, including X-ray ...
Growth and Termination Dynamics of Multiwalled Carbon …
2019年8月1日 · On the basis of continuous atomic-scale imaging, we are able to reveal the structure of the active catalyst and its dynamical behaviors during catalyzing CNT growth, which may shed some light on mechanistic understanding of CNT growth. Moreover, in situ observations reveal three different scenarios for the growth termination of CNTs.
透射电镜 (TEM)下金属颗粒-碳纳米管(CNTs)、碳纳米管-金属基 …
在本研究中,为了解决碳纳米管与铜之间的润湿性和较大的密度差问题,采用了 " 粉末电沉积 "的方法将纳米尺寸的Ag颗粒镀在CNTs上。 与传统的电沉积方法相比,"粉末电沉积 "方法不需要外部电源和调整溶液的PH值。 放电后,低电位产生的静电斥力使CNTs均匀地分散在电镀溶液中,银核均匀地沉积在CNTs的表面。 通过球磨将CNT-Ag作为增强剂加入到Cu粉末中,制造出CNT-Ag/Cu复合材料,实现了拉伸强度、延伸性和导电性的协调增强。 银也可以被其他金属取代, …