Ni modo | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDictionary.com
Translate Ni modo. See 6 authoritative translations of Ni modo in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
What is the correct meaning of ¨ni modo¨ - SpanishDict
2014年7月12日 · Gus, no necesariamente es lo que tu dices que significa para los mexicanos "nii modo"; ni modo se utiliza para citar que ya no se puede hacer nada. Sin embargo hay que tener mucho cuidado con esta expresión porque si no se usa correctamente y con el tino adecuado nos puede ocasionar problemas, porque su uso puede herir susceptibilidades. EJEMPLO:
what does "nimodo" mean? | SpanishDictionary.com Answers
2009年11月17日 · "Ni modo" it is an expression that has no english equivalent. We in this case must translate the idea. It is used in several ways, depending on the context.Typically, it is used to indicate resignation to (something), or an occurence that must be dealt with, no matter the cost in money or time, or sentiment.
Pero ni modo | Spanish to English Translation
Traté de convencer a Alicia de venir con nosotros, pero ni modo. Tiene un examen muy difícil mañana y necesita sacarse una buena nota. I tried to persuade Alicia to come with us, but not a chance. She has a really difficult test tomorrow, and she needs to get a good grade.
Examples of Ni modo in Spanish | SpanishDictionary.com
La beca – A veces a mi Alter Ego le gusta ponerse pesada, pero bueno, ni modo, es válido. Sometimes my alter ego likes to be annoying, but oh well, it 's a valid question. Usé la identificación de mi hermana, y él dijo: "No se parece a ti, pero ni modo ".
What does "ni modo" mean? | SpanishDictionary.com Answers
ni modo. updated Aug 29, 2009. posted by 00494d19. 🚀 Remove ads. SpanishDictionary.com is the world's ...
Bueno vs. Ni modo | Compare Spanish Words
What is the difference between bueno and ni modo? Compare and contrast the definitions and English translations of bueno and ni modo on SpanishDictionary.com, the world's most accurate Spanish-English reference website.
Ni modo vs. Pero bueno | Compare Spanish Words
"Ni modo" is a phrase which is often translated as "there's no way", and "pero bueno" is a phrase which is often translated as "honestly". Learn more about the difference between "ni modo" and "pero bueno" below.
Examples of Ní modo in Spanish | SpanishDict
Ni modo, aquí como siempre, puestos como un calcetín. Whatever , here as always, ready on the spot. Ni modo , muchachos, yo no puedo hacer nada y aquí no pueden quedarse.
Ya que = ni modo | SpanishDictionary.com Answers
2011年8月13日 · ni modo - whatcha gonna do, what can be done. ya que - same as above apparently (although her exact words were, well what can be said about it is what ya que means as an interjection but that it was similar to ni modo)