4.10. Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC)
The NIF facility commissioned the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) short-pulse laser system in 2015. The ARC high-energy backlighting capability is required for the Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP)-High-Energy-Density (HED) and …
Advanced Laser Systems | National Ignition Facility & Photon …
To become one of the highest-energy short-pulse lasers in the world, ARC was not only built on the shoulders of NIF, but was also constructed by sharing components at the heart of NIF. Radiographs of a NIF implosion produced by the ARC laser reveal what the fusion fuel and target capsule look like at two critical times—about 200 trillionths ...
Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) Laser | National Ignition ...
NIF, a laser the size of three football fields, creates conditions more extreme than those present at the center of the Sun. To build the largest and most energetic laser in world, capable of operating within precise microscopic realms and billionths-of-a-second timescales, required a remarkable series of achievements in design and engineering.
NIF in Focus: Inside the ARC Laser | National Ignition Facility ...
The Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) laser resides inside the giant laser system of the National Ignition Facility. An extremely large and powerful short-pulse laser, ARC operates in unison with NIF to give researchers both an unparalleled diagnostic tool and a powerful energy source that can drive experiments investigating the frontiers ...
北京时间2022年12月13日23点,美国劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室宣布,该机构的国家点火装置(NIF)首次成功实现了能量输出大于激光能量输入的可控核聚变反应。 据悉,驱动核聚变的激光输入能量大约2.05兆焦,而聚变输出的能量大约3.15兆焦,用术语来讲就是实现了大于1的能量增益(实现盈利)。 要注意的是,如果考虑到从电能到激光能量的转换效率,整体的能量增益尚未大于1(尚未盈利)。 但无论如何,这的确是一项非常重要的进展,人类在实用化可控核聚变的道 …
Spatio-temporal focal spot characterization and modeling of the NIF ARC …
The advanced radiographic capability (ARC) laser system, part of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is a short-pulse laser capability integrated into the NIF. The ARC is designed to provide adjustable pulse lengths of ∼1−38ps in four independent beamlets, each with energies up to 1 kJ (depending ...
To generate these x-rays, in the summer of 2014, NIF will be deploying the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) which is designed to generate precise, high-energy short-pulses, amplified through a NIF beamline, and aimed at backlighter filaments near ignition targets.
在国家点火设施高级射线照相能力 (NIF-ARC) 激光器上演示 TNSA
NIF-ARC 激光器提供的多 kJ 能量可用于射线照相的高亮度质子源,从而在 HED 科学中实现广泛的应用。 在这个演示中,进行了物理包的质子射线照相,这项工作详细介绍了 TNSA 质子探测器的光谱特性以及对所得射线照相质量的描述。 Proton radiography using short-pulse laser drivers is an important tool in high-energy density (HED) science for dynamically diagnosing key characteristics in plasma interactions.
Status of the "ARC", a Quad of High-Intensity Beam Lines at the ...
2006年6月21日 · We present the status of plans to commission a short-pulse, quad of beams on the National Ignition Facility (NIF), capable of generating > 10 kJ of energy in 10 ps. These beams will initially provide an advanced radiographic capability (ARC) to generate brilliant, x-ray back-lighters for diagnosing fuel density and symmetry during ignition ...
We are converting a quad of NIF beamlines into eight, short-pulse (1-50 ps), petawatt-class beams for advanced radiography and fast ignition experiments. This paper describes progress toward completing this project. 1. Introduction.
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