5.3. Diagnostic Instrument Manipulator - Lawrence Livermore …
A Diagnostic Instrument Manipulator (DIM) is provided on three port locations (0-0, 90-315, 90-078) for inserting diagnostics to diagnose a target experiment on NIF. The DIM is a two-stage …
Diagnostic instruments that must be inserted into the target chamber are loaded into a handling device called the diag-nostic instrument mani-pulator (DIM). The DIM features bipod feet …
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at LLNL aims at demonstrating fusion ignition Ablation is used to generate the extreme pressures required to compress a fusion capsule to ignition
ATLAS Laser Tracking System Will Speed NIF Alignment
2015年12月16日 · NIF currently has three DIMs—two positioned on the Target Chamber equator and one, the polar DIM, situated at the top of the chamber. Each equatorial DIM is positioned …
Mighty ATLAS Supports Precise Alignment
NIF engineers have developed the advanced tracking laser alignment system (ATLAS) to streamline DIM alignment and improve accuracy and repeatability. In parallel with ATLAS …
Target Chamber | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
The "Grand Central Station" of the National Ignition Facility is the Target Bay, which houses the final optics assemblies, diagnostics, and the Target Chamber. Pulses from NIF’s 192 high …
Diagnostic Instrument Manipulator (DIM) upgrades for reliability …
2013年9月26日 · The Diagnostic Instrument Manipulators (DIMs) are two-staged, telescoping systems that allow the precise alignment and positioning of various x-ray, optical, nuclear, and …
Weapon Survivability d in a diagnostic instrument manipulator (DIM). During an experiment, it measures x-ray ntain room temperature deuterium–tritium gas. NIF’s powerful laser beams are …
The system being designed by Perkins et al. assumes that all the stored energy to power the magnetic-field-generating coils is contained in an air box in a NIF DIM or TANDM, the new …
Rad Test Facilities NIF Test locations with 1e16 yield shot: — Test well, Ken Piston @4.5m, 3.9e9 n/cm2 — DIM Box , Dana Hargrove or Ben Hatch @1.5m, 3.5e10 n/cm2 — Snout NED, …