Final Optics | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
The final optics assemblies (FOAs) are the last element of the main laser system and the first of the target area systems. Each FOA contains four integrated optics modules (IOMs) that incorporate beam conditioning, frequency conversion, focusing, diagnostic sampling, and debris shielding capabilities into a single compact assembly.
Design and performance of final optics assembly in SG-II Upgrade …
NIF is the largest high power laser system in the world. Its FOA development has undergone several integrated verifications and design improvements. The conceptual design [Reference Paisner, Boyes, Kumpan, Lowdermilk and Sorem 14] was done in 1994.
General design and experiment for separated final optics assembly …
2020年8月1日 · From the experiments of LMJ and NIF, we can conclude that cleaning FOA and using simple silicon optics are the basic methods to restrain damage to final optics and improve laser energy. In the article, we propose a separated FOA which mainly locates in the atmosphere.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a megajoule-class solid-state laser and targeting facility under construction by the Department of Energy for stockpile stewardship and inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research [1].
NIF final optics system: frequency conversion and beam …
2004年1月28日 · The FOA is comprised of a fixed system that mounts on the target chamber and four LRUs containing the final optics for each beam. The clear aperture is 40 cm. Cut-away view of the final optics...
(PDF) Ghost analysis visualization techniques for complex systems ...
The stray light or "ghost" analysis of the National Ignition Facility's (NIP) Final Optics Assembly (FOA) has proved to be one of the most complex ghost analyses ever attempted. The NIF FOA consists of a bundle of four beam lines that:
国家点火装置NIF中终端光学组件FOA的辐射防护研究 - 道客巴巴
2014年9月29日 · 国家点火装置(NIF)中终端光学组件 (FOA)的辐射防护研究孙校丽聂矗肖巍王柱武汉大学动力与机械学院核电仿真虚拟实验室 本文利用MCNP5模拟激光惯性约束核聚变装置中的中子输运过程对FOA的光学仪器辐射防护进行了研究,计算FOA中各关心位置中子通量密度 ...
Ultraviolet Light Generation and Transport in the Final Optics …
2015年2月12日 · The design of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) includes a Final Optics Assembly (FOA) subsystem for ultraviolet (UV) light generation and transport for each of the 192 beamlines. Analytical and experimental work has been done to help understand and predict the performance of FOA.
Ghost analysis visualization techniques for complex systems: …
1998年6月26日 · The NIF FOA consists of a bundle of four beam lines that: 1) provides the vacuum seal to the target chamber, 2) converts 1ω to 3ω light, 3) focuses the light on the target, 4) separates a fraction of the 3ω beam for energy diagnostics, 5) separates the three wavelengths to diffract unwanted 1ω & 2ω light away from the target, 6) provides ...
NIF FOA containing a beam-conditioning phase plate, KDP …
There, beam transport mirrors direct the pulse through a final optics assembly (FOA), shown in figure 5, consisting of a 1ω vacuum window, focal-spot beam- conditioning optics, two frequency...
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