In this talk, we will discuss successes and challenges, including NIF progress towards ignition, achieving record neutron yields in 2021. The National Ignition Facility is a large (3 football fields) and complex (192 laser beams) experimental physics sys-tem (Fig. 1) [1] .
Status of the National Ignition Facility integrated computer control ...
NIF's 192 energetic laser beams will compress fusion targets to conditions required for thermonuclear burn, liberating more energy than required to initiate the fusion reactions. Laser hardware is modularized into line replaceable units such as deformable mirrors, amplifiers, and multi-function sensor packages that are operated by the ...
Status of the National Ignition Facility Integrated Computer Control ...
2008年4月1日 · NIF is operated by the Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS) in an architecture partitioned by bundle and distributed among over 800 front-end processors and 50 supervisory servers. Every NIF experimental shot is a complex computerized coordination of laser equipment according to laser settings calculated by a physics model.
(PDF) Status of the National Ignition Facility integrated computer ...
2003年11月14日 · The strategy used to develop the National Ignition Facility Integrated Computer Control System (NIF ICCS) calls for incremental cycles of construction and formal test to deliver...
NIF ICCS network design and loading analysis - OSTI.GOV
1998年2月20日 · This report describes the design of the NIF ICCS network and how it meets the traffic loads that will are expected and the requirements of the Sub-System Design Requirements (SSDR's). This document supersedes the earlier reports entitled Analysis of the National Ignition Facility Network, dated November 6, 1996 and The National Ignition ...
Completed in 2009, NIF is a stadium-sized facility containing a 1.8-MJ, 500-TW 192-beam ultra-violet laser and target chamber. A cryogenic tritium target system and suite of optical, X-ray and nuclear diagnostics will support experiments in a strategy …
The Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS) for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a layered architecture of 300 front-end processors (FEP) coordinated by supervisor subsystems including automatic beam alignment and wavefront control, laser and target diagnostics, pulse power, and shot control
The control network for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is designed to meet the needs for common object request broker architecture (CORBA) inter-process communication, multicast video transport, device triggering, and general TCP/IP communication within the NIF facility.
This report describes the design of the NIF ICCS network and how it meets the traffic loads that will are expected and the requirements of the Sub-System Design Requirements (SSDR’ s).
(PDF) Status of the National Ignition Facility ... - ResearchGate
2008年4月1日 · The strategy used to develop the National Ignition Facility Integrated Computer Control System (NIF ICCS) calls for incremental cycles of construction and formal test to...