Student Involvement & Leadership Development - NIU
At NIU there are over 200 student organizations that are registered with the Student Government Association, located in the Holmes Student Center, ground floor, OASIS space. These groups …
List of Groups - Northern Illinois University
Select Anthropology Club's group. Select the group and click on the Join button at the bottom of the page to register for this group
Huskie Hub | Student Involvement - Northern Illinois University
Huskie Hub provides up-to-date information on student organizations recognized by NIU. Whether you’re looking for a specific club or exploring new paths, it’s easy to find your options. Simply …
Student Involvement - NIU - Northern Illinois University
Student Involvement is dedicated to engaging students, and the university community in campus life through intentional programs, and resources that facilitate holistic development. We want …
Student Professional Organizations | COE Student Success
We are committed promoting and advancing student achievement and success toward professional achievement. These clubs are open to all College of Education students, …
List Of Groups - huskiehub.niu.edu
Select NIU Professional Sales Program's group. Select the group and click on the Join button at the bottom of the page to register for this group
Student Organizations | COB | Northern Illinois University
We offer student organizations for all business majors, as well as organizations specific to areas of interest. Joining an organization is a great way to meet other students with similar interests …
Get Involved | COE Student Success - Northern Illinois University
Enhance your academic experience — and your career prospects — by getting involved at NIU. Take advantage of opportunities to conduct research, join student organizations, volunteer in …
Student Organizations - NIU - Department of Sociology
SSAC is the student sociology club. The club meets regularly throughout the year and is the official voice of sociology students to the department and NIU. The club typically helps …
Student Organizations and Honor Societies - Northern Illinois University
The SHO is a student organization focusing on health promotion, giving back to the DeKalb community and supporting the NIU community. They participate in fundraisers, volunteering, …