Normal cubic meters (Nmh) and cubic meters (m3h) - MECAFLUX
The conversion interface normal volume (nm3) and real (m3) converts the normal flow (Nm3 / h) to real (m3 / h)
单位nm³/h的意思是标方每小时,1Nm³天然气约为0.7公斤。 相关单位 Nm3,是指在0摄氏度1个 标准大气压 下的气体体积;N代表名义工况(Nominal Condition),即空气的条件为:一个标准大气压, 温度为 0℃, 相对湿度 为0%。
nm3/h to m3/h Conversion - ConvertN
Flow unit conversion between cubic nanometer/hour and cubic meter/hour, cubic meter/hour to cubic nanometer/hour conversion in batch, nm3/h m3/h conversion chart
Nm3/hr to actual m3/hr and actual m3/hr to Nm3/hr conversion - Airpack
Easily convert Nm3/hr to actual m3/hr and from actual m3/hr to Nm3/hr by using a very easy to use on page converting tool provided by Airpack.
Gas Flows converter | MMSCFD | SCFM | Sm³/h | Nm³/h | units
Automatic calculator and gas flow units conversion relative to transit of gasses via gas pipes and Natural Gas Pipelines from common areas/countries like in America, Asia, Middle East or elsewhere. Where the densities of the gas are measured at a specific Standard temperature and Standard pressure.
请教:国外流量计单位Nmc/h是什么意思 - 百度知道
这个是指标况下的流量,实际应用中常用的是工况下的流量,比如立方每小时,m3/h ,需要知道工作压力换算一下。 流量计中也可以设置的。 工况:是指工作状态下的流量。
m3/h to nm3/h Conversion - ConvertN
m3/h to nm3/h, Flow unit conversion
Normal Cubic Metres Per Hour (Nm3/h) - IADC Lexicon
Normal Cubic Metres Per Hour (Nm3/h) SI unit for volumetric flow rate of air or gas at a temperature of 0 °C and pressure of 101,3 kPa, expressed in cubic metres per hour. Source: API STD 2000, Venting Atmospheric and Low-pressure Storage Tanks, Sixth Edition, November 2009.
常見的空氣流量單位有 CFM (ft³/min)、CMH (m³/h)、CMM (m³/min)、LPM (l/min)。 美國常用的壓力單位為 CFM (cubic feet per minute),至於台灣國人比較習慣使用 CMH (cubic meter per hour)或LPM (liter per minute)。 凡舉流體,不管是液體或氣體,一定都會用到「流量」這個數據。 許多的機械設備、量測儀器,皆有它使用的流量範圍,但儀器與設備百百種,每個國家製作的都有,使用的流量單位也不一樣,相信你在轉換的時候一定很頭痛吧! 不過別擔心,下方良品工研所提 …
Conversion calculation (Nm3/hr to SCFM) - Airpack
Conversion calculation (Nm3/hr to SCFM) Airpack's Capacity page provides you with the right methods to easily convert NM3/hr to SCFM by using a very easy to use on page converting tool.