Meningococcal serogroups and surveillance: a systematic review …
NmW was the predominant circulating serogroup (range: 43.9%-98.2%) throughout most of AFRO, except Algeria, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea and Nigeria. NmA was the most prevalent (range: 76.2%-97.3%) in Cameroon, Chad, and Guinea, while Nigeria was the only country with NmC as the most prevalent (100.0%).
Bacterial Meningitis Epidemiology in Five Countries in the …
Oct 31, 2019 · Although bacterial meningitis epidemiology varied widely by country, NmC and NmW caused several outbreaks, NmX increased although was not associated with outbreaks, and overall NmA incidence remained low. An effective low-cost multivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine could help further control me …
Whole-Genome Characterization of Epidemic Neisseria …
In 2015, Niger reported the largest epidemic of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C (NmC) meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. The NmC epidemic coincided with serogroup W (NmW) cases during the epidemic season, resulting in a total of 9,367 meningococcal cases through June 2015.
Population structure of invasive Neisseria meningitidis in the …
NmC, NmY and NmW exhibited statistically significant changes over time (p < .025), while NmB types were more stable (p = .12) (Fig. 2A). A large decrease in P1.5,2 was observed in NmC isolates (44.0% (2000–05), 32.4% (2006–10), and 9.1% (2011–15)), while a large increase in P1.5,2 was observed in NmW isolates (0.0% (2000–05), 9.1% (2006 ...
Prevalence of Neisseria meningitidis serogroups in invasive ...
In 2010–2014, NmC was the predominant circulating serogroup with 59.6% (95% CI: 43.8%–75.4%), followed by NmW with 24.4% (95% CI: 5.9%–42.9%) and others with 23.1% (95% CI: 6.4%–39.8%).
Genomic Diversity and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Invasive ...
Apr 30, 2024 · NmW strains were dominated by the hypervirulent CC11/ET-37 , NmY was mostly CC/ST-23 , and NmC was characterized by CC32, CC11/ET-37, and CC865 . In South Africa, third-generation cephalosporins are recommended for empiric treatment of bacterial meningitis, transitioning to penicillin following laboratory confirmation of N. meningitidis [ 12 ].
The Nursing and Midwifery Council
We are the nursing and midwifery regulator for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. If possible, use the Pin when searching. A nurse, midwife or nursing associate should tell you their PIN, when asked, if you’re using their services. You can search using a variety of fields, but cannot search using the first name alone. I want to...
Molecular modeling provides insights into the loading of sialic …
Mar 15, 2021 · There are twelve known Nm serogroups, six of which — NmA, NmB, NmC, NmW, NmX, and NmY — are associated with invasive meningococcal disease (IMD). Vaccination is the most cost-effective way to control meningococcal disease; the meningococcal capsular polysaccharide (CPS) is the primary virulence factor and vaccine target.
Demographic Features of Invasive Meningococcal Disease in …
The results indicated that NmA, NmC and NmW, NmY, and some NmB isolates belonged to several worldwide-spread hyperinvasive clonal complexes (cc), including cc5, cc11, cc23, and cc41/44. However, 55.8% (29/52) of the NmB isolates belonged to unassigned clonal complexes (ccUA); they could have only existed in Taiwan or some other poorly ...
2002 NMC-Wollard Swinger 2000 Compact Wheel Loader
May 1, 2024 · 2002 NMC-Wollard Swinger 2000 Compact Wheel Loader, 477.7 Hrs Showing, 65 HP, Cummins 3.3L 4-cylinder Transverse-mounted Diesel Engine, Transmission-Eaton Hydrostatic Pump & Motor, High/ Low/Reverse, Heavy Duty Planetary Industrial Axles With Load/Torque Ratings Of 13,000/11,070lb, Cab, Heater, …