NMDA receptor - Wikipedia
NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated currents are directly related to membrane depolarization. NMDA agonists therefore exhibit fast Mg 2+ unbinding kinetics, increasing channel open probability with depolarization.
Structural insights into the diverse actions of magnesium on NMDA ...
2025年2月25日 · In this study, by integrating eukaryotic expression system, cryo-EM, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, and electrophysiological recording, we aim to resolve the binding pocket and action mechanism of Mg 2+ on the NMDA receptors, and answer the molecular difference concerning the ion selectivity between Ca 2+ permeability and Mg 2+ block.
2025年2月26日 · Mg 2+ 在 NMDA 受体中的具体结合位点及其调控机制, 以及 Mg 2+ 阻断而 Ca 2+ 通透的结构基础,一直未得到全面解析。 研究团队首先利用双电极电压钳技术记录表达在爪蟾卵母细胞上的 NMDA 受体并记录电流 - 电压特性曲线。
Magnesium acts as a second messenger in the regulation of NMDA …
Extracellular magnesium ion ( [Mg 2+]) is a well-known voltage-dependent blocker of NMDA receptors, which plays a critical role in the regulation of neuronal plasticity, learning, and memory. It is generally, believed that NMDA receptor activation involves in Mg 2+ being removed into extracellular compartment from the channel pore.
The mechanism of magnesium block of NMDA receptors
1994年4月1日 · The block of NMDA receptor channels by external magnesium (Mg 2+) is believed to be of great physiological importance. The original model of a Mg 2+ binding site deep inside the pore, near the cytoplasmic side of the channel …
Neuron | 竺淑佳团队揭示镁离子对NMDA受体的多重调控机制
2025年2月26日 · mg 2+ 最为人熟知的功能之一是作为nmda受体的电压依赖性阻断剂。 具体而言,在静息膜电位下, Mg 2+ 会结合NMDA受体并阻断其电流;当膜电位去极化时 ...
Influence of external magnesium ions on the NMDA receptor ... - PubMed
The NMDA type of ionotropic glutamate receptors plays a unique role in synaptic functions because of high permeability for calcium and because of a voltage-dependent block by endogenous Mg(2+). Activity and voltage dependence of the NMDA receptor channel block by organic cations are strongly affecte …
镁在神经元中NMDA受体介导的CREB信号调节中充当第二信使 …
细胞外镁离子([Mg 2+ ])是一种众所周知的电压依赖性NMDA受体阻滞剂,它在调节神经元可塑性,学习和记忆中起关键作用。通常认为,NMDA受体活化涉及将Mg 2+从通道孔去除到细胞外隔室中。另一方面,Mg 2+是最丰富的细胞内阳离子之一,并且参与许多细胞功能。
NMDA 受体电压依赖性门控和缓慢 Mg2+ 解锁的机制 ... - X-MOL
NMDA 受体 (NMDAR) 介导的电流依赖于膜去极化以缓解外部镁 (Mg(o)(2+)) 的强大电压依赖性 NMDAR 通道阻滞。Mg(o)(2+) 与天然 NMDAR 的解除阻塞表现出与快速 Mg(o)(2+) 解结合动力学一致的快速成分,以及较慢的毫秒时间尺度成分(慢速 Mg(o)(2+) ) 解除封锁)。
2025年2月25日 · 中国 科学院 脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心(神经科学研究所)研究员竺淑佳团队,系统揭示了镁离子(mg 2+ )在n-甲基-d-天冬氨酸(nmda)受体中的多重作用机制,诠释了mg 2+ 阻断和钙离子(ca 2+ )通透的差异性分子机制,为理解nmda受体在兴奋性突触传递中的 ...