NMP22 BladderChek - Abbott Point of Care
The NMP22™ BladderChek™ Test is a fast, easy to use and non-invasive test that aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of bladder cancer, in conjunction with standard diagnostic …
Alere NMP22 Test - Abbott Point of Care
The Alere NMP22 ® Test Kit is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the in vitro quantitative determination of the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) in stabilized voided urine. …
NMP22 Test | 快速床旁诊断 – Abbott - Abbott Point of Care
Alere NMP22 ® 检测试剂盒是体外定量测定稳定排出尿液中核有丝分裂器蛋白 (NuMA) 的酶免疫 (EIA) 检测试剂盒。 NuMA 是核基质蛋白 (NMP22) 中富含的成分。 核基质蛋白 22 (NMP22) 是 …
Evaluation of the NMP22 BladderChek test for detecting bladder …
The NMP22 BladderChek test shows good discrimination ability for detecting bladder cancer and a high-specificity algorithm that can be used for early detection to rule out patients with higher …
NMP22 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
NMP22 is a nuclear matrix protein marker that uses monoclonal antibodies to detect levels of mitotic apparatus proteins that are increased in cancer cells [11]. It is a point-of-care test that …
【检验项目】尿液膀胱癌标记物核基质蛋白Nmp22 - 健康界
2021年6月18日 · 核基质蛋白Nmp22作为一种尿液膀胱癌标记物, 对诊断膀胱癌的敏感度非常高, 是一种简单,敏感的早期诊断膀胱癌的方法。 可作为膀胱镜检查的辅助手段,对膀胱癌病人 …
Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
NMP 22 test is a quantitative microtiter sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay that uses two monoclonal antibodies specific for NMP-22. This assay is usually not point of care test and it …
BTA stat®, NMP22® BladderChek®, UBC® Rapid Test, and …
2023年12月1日 · NMP22® BladderChek® Test is based on the detection of NMP22, a nuclear mitotic apparatus protein that is released from dead cells (e.g., apoptosis cells) [9]. In …
The value of the NMP22 test for superficial bladder cancer …
In this study, we investigated the efficacy of nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP22) in the diagnosis and surveillance of bladder cancer. Patients with hematuria or who applied for cystoscopic …
膀胱癌快速诊断套装 NMP22® - MedicalExpo
Alere NMP22® 检测试剂盒是一种酶联免疫反应(EIA),用于体外定量检测稳定排泄尿液中的核有丝分裂装置蛋白(NuMA)。 NuMA 是核基质蛋白的丰富成分。 优点 核基质蛋白 22 是一 …