核磁共振原理-T2弛豫 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Relaxation (NMR) - Wikipedia
The decay of RF-induced NMR spin polarization is characterized in terms of two separate processes, each with their own time constants. One process, called T 1, is responsible for the loss of resonance intensity following pulse excitation. The other process, called T 2, characterizes the width or broadness of resonances.
怎样理解核磁共振弛豫时间 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
核磁共振弛豫时间有两种即t1和t2 t1为纵向驰豫时间,纵向磁化强度恢复的时间常数t1称为纵向弛豫时间(又称 自旋-晶格弛豫时间)。 t2为横向弛豫时间,横向磁化强度消失的时间常数T2称为横向弛豫时间(又称 自旋-自旋弛豫时间 )。
低场核磁共振T2谱解读 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
答:t2谱不同于传统的谱图,它的横坐标为对数布点方式,所谓的积分值其实就是谱峰所对应的各离散点的纵坐标求和值。因此,t2谱的积分值并不是真正意义上的积分,而只是沿用了谱图分析中常用的说法而已。 5、t2谱每个谱峰所代表的意义?
磁共振中的T1, T2 和 T2*的原理和区别 - stardsd - 博客园
2018年11月28日 · Mz在弛豫过程中呈指数增长,其时间常数为T1,Mxy在弛豫过程中呈指数衰减,其时间常数为T2. T1弛豫的发生是因为旋转核与周围环境(即晶格,lattice)之间有能量交换,引起up状态和down状态的原子核数量发生改变,重新恢复到未加B1的平衡状态时的数量分 …
Part 2 – T2 relaxation: definition, measurement and practical ...
2020年6月29日 · The process by which the magnetization in the xy plane decays away, over time, to its equilibrium value of zero, is known as T2 relaxation, transversal relaxation, relaxation on the xy plane, or In NMR, the net magnetization is detected in the xy plane, giving rise to the FID (Free Induction Decay).
2007年8月23日 · • T2 relaxation – how long it takes for the spins to lose phase coherence, allowing the net magnetization (M 0) decay to 0 in the xy plane. – Spin flipping (+½ ↔-½) due to fluctuating local dipolar magnetic fields (inhomogeneity of the field) causes some spins to ↑(increase) in energy, some
A decomposition method of nuclear magnetic resonance T2 …
2020年8月1日 · Nuclear magnetic resonance technology is widely used to evaluate the reservoir pore structure in petroleum logging. The NMR T2 spectra can be used to accurately calculate the total porosity of the reservoir, which, combined with the capillary pressure curve, enables continuous analysis of the pore structure of complex reser- voirs[2].
T2 (spin-spin) relaxation - Questions and Answers in MRI
T2 relaxation is the process by which the transverse components of magnetization (Mxy) decay or dephase. As originally described by Felix Bloch (1946), T2 relaxation is considered to follow first order kinetics, resulting in a simple exponential decay (like a radio-isotope) with time constant T2.
1.10: How do T₁ and T₂ relaxation affect NMR spectra?
2022年4月25日 · In terms of our vector model, T 2 relaxation corresponds to a loss of coherence or dephasing of the magnetization vector. The recovery of magnetization along the z (longitudinal) axis (aligned with B o) to its equilibrium position occurs by a process called spin lattice (or longitudinal or T 1 relaxation).
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