Examples of NMR Warning Signs: Cryogen Hazards: NMR magnets utilize a large coil of superconducting wire immersed in a bath of liquid helium (temperature of 4 K). The wire passes electrical current without resistance (superconducting) only when adequately cooled by cryogens and thereby generates the magnetic field.
2002年3月29日 · 1.2 Warning areas The installation and operation of a superconducting NMR magnet system presents a number of hazards of which all personnel must be aware. It is essential that: • Areas, in which NMR magnet systems are to be installed and operated, are planned with full consideration for safety.
Warning signs are posted at the entrance of all NMR labs, as shown below. Figure 2 – Magnetic field warning signs posted outside of every NMR lab. Metal objects such as compressed gas cylinders or other equipment should be moved in NMR magnet rooms only by the authorized personnel (i.e. the NMR staff).
Safety in NMR Laboratory | NMR Core Facility - Columbia …
All Columbia NMR users should read and be familiar with the following safety information. There are multiple potential hazards in the NMR laboratory. Columbia’s NMR instruments use large superconducting magnets that are housed in a cryostat containing liquid helium and liquid nitrogen. Magnetic Field Hazards
Safety Manual - University of Alberta
Persons with medical implants and devices are recommended to stay outside of the labs that house the NMR spectrometers. Warning signs are posted at the entrance of all NMR labs, shown below.
Essential Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Safety Tips for …
2025年3月4日 · Ensure that highly visible warning signs are posted around NMR spectrometers and in all areas with strong magnetic fields. These signs should highlight the risks posed to individuals with pacemakers and emphasize the dangers of ferromagnetic objects being pulled into the magnet.
Safety Data Sheets and Warning Signs - UCSC
2019年4月5日 · Do not work on or handle open wiring or open devices that may be energized. This warning sign is common in rooms with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) machines. Do not approach the magnetic field area with metallic objects, including tools or equipment.
Safety | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Center
In order to use the NMR facility at WSU, you must read and be familiar with the following safety information. Failure to comply with the correct standard operating procedures in the NMR lab can result in damage, personal injury, and even death.
Safety – Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
2025年1月3日 · Challenge anyone you do not know who enters the NMR rooms. DANGER: Pacemakers and other medical implants are not designed to work in magnetic fields and can cause lethal failures. If you have medical devices implanted in your body, address the situation with the doctor before entering the NMR room.
Caution and Warning Signs | EHS - University of Washington
2024年7月15日 · Warning Signs alert personnel and visitors to health and safety hazards beyond those identified in the caution sign. Specific warning signs may be required based on the type of hazard present.