NOAA and United Airlines partner to measure greenhouse gases ...
2024年7月23日 · NOAA and United Airlines have announced an agreement to equip a Boeing 737 with a sophisticated instrument package that will measure greenhouse gases and other pollutants during domestic flights. It’s a first step in establishing a partnership that could significantly improve monitoring of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse
Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases - NOAA Global Monitoring …
2024年7月23日 · NOAA and United Airlines announced an agreement to equip a Boeing 737 with a sophisticated instrument package that will measure greenhouse gases and other pollutants during domestic flights. It’s a first step in establishing a partnership that could significantly improve monitoring of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, and ...
United Airlines & NOAA To Monitor Greenhouse Gas Emissions With Boeing 737
2024年7月24日 · United Airlines partners with NOAA to measure greenhouse gases by equipping a Boeing 737 aircraft with a measuring instrument. The cost-effective method of monitoring atmospheric pollutants using commercial aircraft will greatly benefit US scientists.
NOAA, Boeing team up to test greenhouse gas-measuring …
2021年6月3日 · NOAA and Boeing are teaming up to evaluate the best placement for a NOAA greenhouse gas sampling system on a commercial jet by testing options on a new Boeing 737 as part of Boeing’s 2021 ecoDemonstrator flying test bed program. This is a first step toward an expansion of NOAA’s global atmospheric sampling network to include commercial ...
Supporting Atmospheric Research & Expanding Observations …
2024年7月19日 · NOAA and United Airlines have announced an agreement to equip a Boeing 737 with a sophisticated instrument package that will measure greenhouse gases and other pollutants during domestic flights.
United Airlines to measure atmosphere for NOAA
2024年7月25日 · The Administration and airline will install a “sophisticated instrument package” to one of United’s domestic 737 fleet, which will measure carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases (GHG), while boosting meteorologists’ ability to forecast weather in the US.
United Airlines to help federal scientists monitor US emissions
2024年12月17日 · The project, set to begin next year, will equip a single Boeing 737 with scientific instruments designed to monitor carbon dioxide, methane and other climate-warming gases.
NOAA, United Airlines team up to monitor the impact of ... - CBS News
2024年8月7日 · It involves a major airline teaming up with a federal weather agency to track gases that contribute to climate change and impact our forecasts. The partnership is four years in the making. NOAA...
New NOAA-United Airlines Partnership to Revolutionize
2024年7月30日 · NOAA and United Airlines join forces to equip a Boeing 737 with high-tech instruments, enhancing greenhouse gas monitoring and weather forecast accuracy across the US. Learn about this innovative collaboration.
NOAA, United Airlines to measure greenhouse gases during
2024年7月25日 · United Airlines is hoping the NOAA's air-monitoring equipment will help clear the skies by reducing wispy contrails, the white streaks from planes. Water vapor measurements could improve weather...