Dy and K double-additive modified Co - ScienceDirect
2025年1月15日 · In K 0.01 Dy 0.01 Co, Dy reduced crystallite size of Co 3 O 4 and K weakened Co-O bond. Dy greatly increased the resistance of additive K to NO x. The Ea of K 0.01 Dy 0.01 Co for the reaction over is as low as 41.0kJ·mol −1. K 0.01 Dy 0.01 Co can maintain 96 % N 2 O conversion for 50h under simulated real tail-gases.
Co3O4 as an efficient passive NOx adsorber for emission control …
2024年2月1日 · In this context, we present an ethylene glycol (EG)-assisted preparation method for synthesizing nano-crystalline Co3 O 4 featuring (1 1 0)-type crystal facet. This form of Co 3 O 4 demonstrates a nearly identical NO x uptake capacity at 100 °C compared to Pd/SSZ-13.
Co3O4/MoS2 Nanostructures for NOx Sensing | ACS Applied …
2022年6月2日 · In this manuscript, we report the synthesis of a Co 3 O 4 /MoS 2 nanostructure-based highly sensitive chemiresistive gas sensor selective toward NO x gases. An increase in air pollution has caused an equal increase in the concentrations of …
Breakthrough studies of Co3O4 supported activated
2018年11月1日 · The hydrothermally synthesized Co 3 O 4 activated carbon monolith adsorbent (Hm-Co 3 O 4 /ACM) demonstrate better adsorption capacity (SO 2 is 123.1, NOx is 130.2 mg/g) than the adsorbents synthesized by the other methods.
O Nox do carbono no íon carbonato Co3 -2 é: - Brainly
2017年10月6日 · O NOX do íon carbonato CO3 -2 é: b) +4. O número de oxidação (NOX) de um elemento é a carga elétrica que ele adquire quando faz uma ligação. Existem algumas regras básicas que seguem para a determinação do NOX dos elementos: O NOX de substâncias simples é sempre igual a zero. A soma dos NOX dos elementos de …
用于 NOx CH4-SCR 的工程 In-Co3O4/H-SSZ-39(OA) 催化剂:温和 …
沸石基催化剂可有效催化甲烷选择性催化还原氮氧化物 (ch4-scr),以环境友好的方式去除氮氧化物,但在含 so2 和 h2o 的高温烟气中会严重失活。
汽车排放中NOx、HC、CO的单位是什么? - 百度知道
汽车废气中排出的co(一氧化碳)、hc+nox(碳氢化合物和氮氧化物)、pm(微粒,碳烟)等有害气体。 它们都是发动机在燃烧作功过程中产生的有害气体。
Engineering In-Co3O4/H-SSZ-39(OA) Catalyst for CH4-SCR of NOx …
2024年8月7日 · Zeolite-based catalysts efficiently catalyze the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with methane (CH4-SCR) for the environmentally friendly removal of nitrogen oxides, but suffer severe deactivation in high-temperature SO2- and H2O-containing flue gas.
工业上常用Na2CO3溶液吸收处理某些尾气中的NOx。己知: NO …
2017年6月17日 · 工业上常用na2co3溶液吸收处理某些尾气中的nox。己知: no不能直接与na2co3溶液反应;根据方程式no+no2+na2co3=2nano2+co2,当no与no2量为1:1时可以完全吸收,no与no2量为1:1是n2o3=no1.5,既x=1.5,如果no的量多于n
Treatment of NOx using recyclable CO32--intercalated Mg–Al …
2019年11月1日 · We investigated NO x removal using a CO 3 ·Mg–Al layered double hydroxide (CO 3 ·Mg–Al LDH) and compared its NO 2 removal performance against that of Mg (OH) 2 and NO 3 ·Mg–Al LDH to elucidate the nature of adsorption of NO 2. The NO removal rate was lower than that for NO 2 removal.