A root cause investigation team comprised of cross-functional, cross-company experts concluded that the most probable source of the incident was a decomposition-triggered detonation of ‘NOx Gums’ in a 1-inch drain line in the coldest portion of the cold box.
(108e) Investigation of NOx Related Cold Box Incident | AIChE
The NOx Gums formed when a conjugated di-olefin, most likely butadiene, carried over from the first two drums in the chilling train to the fifth drum and reacted with NOx gases that had condensed and accumulated. The heat of reaction was sufficient to initiate a decomposition, which proceeded to a detonation.
(32a) Cold Box Fouling in a Cracker | AIChE
The non-explosive, non-shock sensitive NOx-polymer material found in the heat exchanger is a completely new phenomenon in Dow and in the ethylene industry, different from the known NOx-gums formed in the low temperature zone of the cold box reported in Dow and ethylene industry.
NOx生成途径及其抑制方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NOx生成途径主要有三种:温度型,简称 T-NOx;燃料型,简称 F-NOx;快速型,简称 P-NOx。 (1)T-NOx是由空气中的氮气和氧气在高温下生成的,影响NOx生成量的主要因素是烟气中氧含量、燃烧温度及烟气在高温区的停留时间,如下图。 (2)F-NOx是以化合物形式存在于燃料中,在燃烧过程中被氧化而生成。 其生成温度为600~700℃,具有中温度生成特性。 燃料中的氮气比空气中的氮气更容易生成氮氧化物,下图表示重油中N与F-NOx生成量的关系。 气体燃料中N含量很低,可 …
2019年5月10日 · 快速型NOx是在碳氢化合物燃料在燃料过浓时燃烧,燃料挥发物中碳氢化合物高温分解生成的CH自由基和空气中氮气反应生成HCN和N,再进一步与氧气作用以极快的速度生成。 快速NOx在燃烧过程中的生成量很小,影响快速NOx生成的主要因素有空气过量条件和燃烧温度。 燃料型NOx是由燃料中氮化合物在燃烧中氧化而成,由于燃料中氮的热分解温度低于煤粉燃烧温度,在600~800℃时就会生成燃料型NOx,它在煤粉燃烧NOx产物中占60~80%。 由于煤的燃 …
Risk Assessment of Nox gum in COLD Box of olefin plant Step …
Nox in olefin feed which react with hydrocarbon to form various type of gums & salts. It acquire some space in cold box of olefin plant due to favorable condition of temperature & pressure. This paper emphasis on risk associated with Nox and categories risk as per feed & impurities.
Typical locations of NO x gums/salts deposits (1)
NOx gums/salts are potentially unstable compounds that ethylene production facilities must include in their safety program. These compounds can form at cryogenic temperatures and high pressures,...
Risk Assessment of NOx Gums and Salts in the COLD Box of Olefin …
2011年2月18日 · NOx in the olefin feed can react with hydrocarbons to form various types of gums and salts. A build up of these impurities in the cold box of the olefin plant can result due to favorable temperatures and pressure.
1990年12月16日 · They concluded the gum was formed by nitrogen oxide contamination of noncondensable gases in the unit's catalytic cracker-used since 1982. Investigators have pinpointed the cause of a February...
Risk Assessment of Nox Gum in COLD Box of Olefin Plant Step ... - Scribd
This document provides an overview of the risks associated with Nox gums and salts accumulating in the cold boxes of olefin plants. It outlines a methodology for assessing these risks based on factors like the type of olefin feed, additives …
什么是氮氧化物(NOx)? - 百度知道
2019年3月25日 · NOx污染主要来源于生产、生活中所用的煤、石油等燃料燃烧的产物(包括汽车及一切内燃机燃烧排放的NOx);其次是来自生产或使用硝酸的工厂排放的废气。当NOx与碳氢化物共存于空气中时,经阳光紫外线照射,发生光化学反应,产生一种光化学烟雾,它是一种 ...
Plant-based Prebiotic Nitric Oxide Chewing Gum by MyFitStrip
MyFitStrip Nitric Oxide Chewing Gum is a patent pending formula to promote a healthy microbiome, increase saliva pH or alkalinity in the mouth, and support immune support in the mouth. Saliva pH will immediately increase to a healthy neutral-alkaline level promoting tooth and …
- 评论数: 39
(41c) Quantifying the Risk of NOx Accumulation in the Ethylene
The AICHE Task Group for NOx Safety has advised the industry that any ethylene plant cold box is potentially vulnerable to accumulation of NOx compounds, and plans to mitigate the potential hazards of this accumulation need to be in place.
(PDF) 293636 Analysis and Optimization of Alcohol Wash
2013年5月1日 · NOx gums/salts are potentially unstable compounds that ethylene production facilities must include in their safety program. These compounds can form at cryogenic temperatures and high pressures...
Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO)
NOx gums/salts are potentially unstable compounds that ethylene production facilities should include in their safety program. These compounds can form at cryogenic temperatures and high pressures, and can form deposits in equipment.
NOx脱除 - 百度百科
吸附法是利用 吸附剂 对NOx的吸附量随温度或压力变化而变化,通过周期性地改变操作温度或压力控制NOx的吸附和解吸,使NOx从气源中分离出来,属于干法脱硝技术。
Methanol-to-Olefins (MTO) - Lummus Technology
A relatively warm operating temperature in the cryogenic section of the recovery unit eliminates the potential of NOx accumulation and NOx gum buildup, making the process inherently safe. Processing the MTO reactor effluent can have high corrosion and fouling potential due to trace components contained in the stream.
Investigation of NOx Related Cold Box Incident - ResearchGate
2009年4月29日 · The NOx Gums formed when a conjugated di-olefin, most likely butadiene, carried over from the first two drums in the chilling train to the fifth drum and reacted with NOx gases that had...
Analysis and Optimization of Alcohol Wash Procedures for Removal of NOx ...
2013年5月1日 · Brazed aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers (BAHX, commonly known as 'cold boxes') are susceptible to NO x gum/salt accumulation due to equipment operating at cold temperatures and high pressures that favor their formation.
2013 Spring Meeting & 9th Global Congress on Process Safety
Brazed aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers (BAHX, commonly known as 'cold boxes') are susceptible to NO x gum/salt accumulation due to equipment operating at cold temperatures and high pressures that favor their formation.