Weco's Nox-Ich - Aquarium Forum
2014年6月20日 · Had an outbreak of ich in my goldfish aquarium and went to a new local fish store. Was very impressed by their setups and aquariums - some of the most healthy and cared for fish I have ever seen, so when the guy handed me Weco's Nox-Ich and told me it was the best he has used I took his word for it. Active ingredients: Sodium Chloride 0.5%
Nox-Ich? Does it work? | Aquarium Advice Forum Community
2014年6月11日 · Hi everyone I recently saved some fish from Kijiji, and it looked like one of the platys had Ich. From googling, it seemed like it had most of the symptoms. So I treated it just to be safe. Surprisingly almost 30min after adding the Nox-Ich …
ich treatment (nox-ich) | Aquarium Advice Forum Community
2010年9月6日 · ok so yesterday i noticed my clown loaches had so white spots on them. i thought it mite be ich and looking at pics of ich i confermed it. so i want to jacks aqu. to get some ich meds. the only stuff found is called NOX-ICH made by WECO products in long beach ca. i just treated the tank at...
Trigger with Ich? - Aquarium Advice Forum Community
2003年11月13日 · I think my new niger trigger has ick. He may have had it when I bought it. He had a white spot on his body, I should have noticed this. But it seems to have multiplied on his body. What do I do? I don't have a quarantine tank. Does the product, nox-ich work? Should I reduce the salinity in the...
Nox Ich off day? | Aquarium Advice Forum Community
2024年3月15日 · Using Nox Ich for the past three days (along with slight raise in temp to just over 81). Day 4 is supposed to be off day before starting the 3 day course again. I plan to vacuum and water change (30ish percent) tomorrow. Should I redose the tank for the amount of water I take out or just wait...
I need help - Betta dorsal fin is gone
2022年5月2日 · April 26 I noticed the fungus. Scooped him out and gave him a salt bath with aquarium salt. Cleaned the tank and filter, 50% WC. The next day I started the 3 day Nox-ich treatment. Did a 50% WC after that. So this is where I am. I'm doing smaller changes every other day. I feed him from a chopstick for his pellets.
nox ich or copper sulfate ? | Aquarium Forum
2012年5月22日 · Freshwater Fish Diseases,Algae Issues,Emergencies ...
Horrible Ich. Is it too late? - Aquarium Advice Forum Community
2015年12月17日 · The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping! If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nox-ich | Aquarium Advice Forum Community
2013年2月8日 · Nox-ich. Thread starter Natelb44; Start date Feb 8, 2013; The friendliest place on the web for anyone with ...
First Ich Outbreak | Aquarium Advice Forum Community
2017年8月23日 · Well, I guess it is probably a rite of passage.... I am in the midst of my first ich outbreak in my 20g extra high planted tank. Given most of the residents are tetras I did a little less than half a dose of Nox-Ich which I happened to have on hand.... unfortunately, I also have Amano shrimp in...