-75% Nox™ on GOG.com
An excellent action/RPG hybrid with very unique gameplay. Your name is Jack Mower, a 20th century dude who just happened to be sucked into the world of Nox via his TV set. The world is in danger and you have to save it! But before you embark on your epic journey you must choose your path: warrior, w...
- 评论数: 355
Nox (video game) - Wikipedia
Nox is an action role-playing game developed and published by Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts in 2000 for Microsoft Windows. It details the story of Jack, a young man from Earth who is pulled into a high fantasy parallel universe and has to defeat the evil sorceress Hecubah and her army of necromancers to return home.
The action-RPG Nox is now free on Origin - PC Gamer
2016年5月31日 · The Nox freebie comes by way of Origin's On the House program, which makes various games available free, for keepsies. You only have a limited time to grab them, however, and if you miss out, you...
《NOX RPG》!又一款自由度超高的ORPG面世,是否真能成为超 …
今天小鸡要为大家带来的一款游戏介绍,是一张平台近期更新的ORPG《NOX RPG》,说实话,真的很少看见新的ORPG能够上架平台,尤其是品质如此之高的,更是少之又少! 由于《NOX RPG》玩法极度自由,小鸡也不可能将其全部为大家描述。 所以接下来小鸡只是将新手玩家前期如何游玩以及游戏的基础流程告诉大家,在随后的各个副本中就需要大家自己探索了哦~~ 刚刚进入游戏的我们属于身无分文,并且也没有任何装备配搭。 此时我们需要前往“新手装备商人NPC”领 …
Nox - PC Review and Full Download - Old PC Gaming
2013年12月28日 · Don’t call Westwood’s action RPG a Diablo clone. Although fundamentally wired as an all-out action experience with some simple roleplaying flourishings, Nox is not Diablo. Nor does it have to be, as this frantically simple action game has everything it …
Nox (USA) : Westwood Pacific : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2000年2月16日 · Nox is an action role-playing game. It has similarities to Diablo, having isometric perspective and fast-paced action-oriented combat. The RPG elements, however, are less prominent than in Diablo, with the player character gaining experience for vanquishing enemies and leveling up automatically after completing the linear main quests.
NOX RPG汉化版地图攻略+隐藏武器合成+掉落合成装备表
2018年9月3日 · nox rpg2.9.9汉化版top破解 100%掉落强化+无限属性点+解除限制+秒速复活+刷物品无cd
Nox | Play game online! - Play CLASSIC games online
Nox is an action role-playing game. It has similarities to Diablo, having isometric perspective and fast-paced action-oriented combat. The RPG elements, however, are less prominent than in Diablo, with the player character gaining experience for vanquishing enemies and leveling up automatically after completing the linear main quests.
【原创攻略实时更新】骑马与砍杀诺克斯1.1(NOX RPG)游玩实 …
2021年2月1日 · 如果自己按照任务提示一点点去完成rpg的话要比自立统一全地图用的时间 长太多太多(毕竟nox主打剧情任务) 因此在本mod上玩原版玩法不如去玩其他mod。
NOX RPG详细攻略 装备表整合+装备合成表+物品掉落说明+如何 …
2019年5月19日 · nox rpg3.0.5汉化版黑式破解 可通档+去除平台限制+100%掉率+无cd全屏闪+刷等级刷物品
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