A photomultiplier tube(PMT) amplifies the number of photoelectrons(NPE) released from a photocathode at each dynode and discharges them as a pulse of current. The linearity of the gain between the photocathode and the amount of output signal is a required property for counting NPE from the observed currents. It is known that saturation behavior ...
Data-driven simultaneous vertex and energy reconstruction for …
2023年6月17日 · This paper presents a data-driven method to obtain a more realistic and accurate expected PMT response of positron events in JUNO and develops a simultaneous vertex and energy reconstruction method that combines the charge and time information of PMTs.
<br>通过线性腔干涉 NPE 在全 PM Tm 掺杂光纤激光器中产生谐 …
本研究展示了通过线性腔干涉非线性偏振进化 (npe) 机制锁模的全偏振保持 (pm) tm 掺杂光纤激光器中产生谐波锁模 (hml) 和类噪声脉冲 (nlp)。 调整泵浦功率并操纵沿 PM 光纤轴的腔内脉冲分布,可以在基本锁模、各种谐波阶数和 NLP 之间实现转换。
Performance Calculation of Pulse Shape Discrimination Based on ...
2024年10月28日 · We investigated the pulse shape discrimination (PSD) performance as a function of NPE photoelectrons (PE) and determined that at least 49 PE is required for a neutron-like events rejection efficiency of 90%, while keeping gamma-like events 97.8%.
针对即将在锦屏中微子实验500t 探测器使用的8 英寸mcp-pmt,在pe 数期望 为1 的情况下,FSMP 可比电荷积分法提升12%的能量分辨率、比第一击中时间 法提升37%的时间分辨率
Restoring the saturation response of a PMT using pulse-shape …
2023年4月5日 · The linear response of a photomultiplier tube (PMT) is a required property for photon counting and reconstruction of the neutrino energy. The linearity valid...
In this paper, the bases design and improvement of the photomultiplier tube R5912 are presented. The results show that at the gain of 2:6 106, the anode output has a good single photoelectron spectrum, and its charge non-linearity is within 5% when the …
Restoration of the saturation response of the PMT using the ANN …
The observed NPE of 10-inch-PMT without (with) restoration is shown in red (black). The blue dashed-line indicates the linear-model. The inset compares the bias and resolution of the PMT...
Restoring the saturation response of a PMT using pulse-shape …
2023年2月13日 · The linear response of a photomultiplier tube (PMT) is a required property for photon counting and reconstruction of the neutrino energy. The linearity...
sipm噪声分析06(光子探测效率PDE) - 知乎专栏
npe是检测到的光子数,Nped是未测到的光子数,Ntot是总事件数,Nped dark是指由于暗计数引起的事件数(表示在测量中出现的为受光子激发的事件),Ntot Dark是指总暗计数事件。
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