The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The National Progressive Pact (NPP), is a coalition of various political parties that makes up one of the two major power blocs in the United States of America against the establishment Republican...
National Progressive Pact - TNOpediA
2025年1月13日 · The National Progressive Pact (NPP) is a coalition of various political parties that formed in 1957 as a power bloc in opposition to the establishment Republican and Democratic Parties. Despite supposedly forming a singular power bloc, the NPP is heavily divided on many issues such as civil rights, foriegn intervention and political governance.
美利坚合众国/大选 | 新秩序:欧洲末日 Wiki | Fandom
民权议题的加剧让 共民联盟 陷入建党以来最严重的分裂,左翼和右翼分别都以转投 NPP进步党团/国民党团 为筹码威胁政府。 面对民权问题,肯尼迪提出了《民权法案》,通过《民权法案》会激怒保守派,而否决它会激怒进步派,尼克松进退两难,只能做出选择。 随着第一个任期将尽,一则爆炸性消息席卷了美国——尼克松在大选中 窃听了对手,从而赢得了大选。 消息一出,全国上下一片哗然。 巨大的舆论压力使尼克松于1964年1月被迫辞职。 党派: 共民联盟-民主党. 意识 …
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
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钢铁雄心4 TNO/硅晶之梦版本 美国教学(更新中) - 知乎
NPP(国家进步公约)方面,想让 RFK 上台,否决民权法案;想让阿拉巴马州长上台,同意民权法案。 RD(共和-民主联盟)的两个总统不受民权法案影响。 如果一直拖着不点,民权法案会在尼克松退休前几个月弹出事件,相应的,法案也会变成1963民权法案。 拖到最后点无论通过或者不通过都会给RD联盟带来争议。 TT3版本的肯尼迪不同之前,每个国策都会对RD和NPP造成影响,此时也是总统大选之季,去点能给你中意的党带来正面BUFF的国策,然后达拉斯飙车,等 …
TNO里的现实人物 19 NPPC - 哔哩哔哩
NPP中间派(NPP center)是美国政党里专心改革人民生活的社会民主主义政党,其改革激烈程度也算是所以政党里最强烈的(除了左和约基) 罗伯特.F.肯尼迪
Guide: How to get L-NPP elected : r/TNOmod - Reddit
I got L-NPP in my game, and a lot of people asked me how it's possible so I thought I'd make a quick guide. Nixon administration: You're going to want to do as much as you can to boost the popularity of the C-NPP, as having a lot of C-NPP popularity helps for later.
How do you get the npp to win in 1964 : r/TNOmod - Reddit
General guide to elect the NPP would be : >Save Nixon's image during the McCormack presidency. >Stall the SAW until the elections. RFK : >Campaign in West Coast/Central East Coast/Great Lakes/New England (try to snatch some of them already during the 62' senate elections) >Go for Bennett as RD candidate. Wallace :
NPP guide?? : r/TNOmod - Reddit
2020年7月23日 · As for my own experiences is as follows-In depending on your preferred flavor of NPP. You have to do the opposite as Nixon. If you want the C-NPP Robert Kennedy, you have to veto the civil rights bill and if you want Far-Right NPP you have to enact the civil rights bill.
钢铁雄心4TNO——国家介绍——超级大国——美利坚合众国(雄 …
Though the constitutional order nominally survives, the NPP is at a minimum capable of crushing the Civil Rights Movement. · Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: The liberal, social democratic C-NPP and the segregationist, pro-business FR-NPP are only held together as long as both can point to a common enemy in the R-Ds.
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