Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) | IAEA
2023年5月3日 · The NPT was opened for signature in 1968 and entered into force on 5 March 1970. On 11 May 1995, the Treaty was extended indefinitely. On 11 May 1995, the Treaty was extended indefinitely. With 191 States parties, it is the most widely adhered to treaty in the field of nuclear non-proliferation, peaceful uses of nuclear energy and nuclear ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
The NPT aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to foster the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of disarmament. The Treaty establishes a safeguards system under the responsibility of the IAEA, which also plays a central role under the Treaty in areas of technology transfer for peaceful purposes.
NPT - THE FULL TEXT The complete text of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is as follows: The States concluding this Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties to the Treaty", Considering the devastation diat would be visited upon all mankind by
The NPT and IAEA safeguards | IAEA
The NPT was opened for signature on 1 July 1968 and entered into force on 5 March 1970. The operation of the Treaty is reviewed every five years at the Review Conference of the Parties to the NPT. On 11 May 1995, the NPT Review and Extension Conference decided to …
Key Roles - IAEA
NPT Article IV: The Agency facilitates and provides a channel for endeavours aimed at "the further development of the applications of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, especially in the territories of non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world."
Major Challenges Currently Facing the International Nuclear Non ...
2003年9月25日 · Effective IAEA verification remains the cornerstone of the regime established under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to stem the further spread of nuclear weapons and to verify nuclear disarmament. Today, while the IAEA safeguards regime is more robust than ever before, we also face a broad array of challenges.
加强npt体制 国际挑战和机遇 by jayantha dhanapala a、·扩散核武器条约(npt) 但是对最近的一些发展和它 散准则的支持仍然广泛而深 由一系列互相加强和有 们对那些义务的意义和效果 入,这是在继核试验之后出 法律约束力的义务组成。
NPT Review Conferences | IAEA
2022年8月26日 · The 2000 NPT Review Conference was the first to meet since the Treaty's indefinite extension in 1995. Statement at Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons , by Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA Director General, 24 April 2000
"nuclear option" by joining NPT or a similar arrangement. Article VII of NPT refers to the right of States to conclude regional treaties to ensure the total absence of nuclear weapons from their territories. The Tlatelolco Treaty is the first such legal instrument. It provides a valuable supplement to the NPT (although it has been stated that ...
INFCIRC/140 Recalling the determination expressed by the Parties to the 1963 Treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water in its Preamble to seek to