Nuclear receptor 4A1 - Wikipedia
The nuclear receptor 4A1 (NR4A1 for "nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1") also known as Nur77, TR3, and NGFI-B is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NR4A1 gene. [5][6]
NR4A1 Gene - GeneCards | NR4A1 Protein | NR4A1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · NR4A1 (Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 4 Group A Member 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with NR4A1 include Pseudohypoaldosteronism and 46,Xy Sex Reversal 2. Among its related pathways are Gene expression (Transcription) and …
清华医学院董晨课题组合作在《自然》报道T细胞功能调控的关键 …
进一步的t细胞过继实验证明敲除nr4a1赋予cd8 + t细胞更强的效应功能,更好地抵御肿瘤以及病毒的耗竭微环境的能力(图2)。 图2为nr4a1 表达水平与cd8 + t细胞的肿瘤杀伤能力成负相关
Genome-wide analysis identifies NR4A1 as a key mediator of T …
NR4A1 binding also promotes acetylation of histone 3 at lysine 27 (H3K27ac), leading to activation of tolerance-related genes. This study thus identifies NR4A1 as a key general regulator in the induction of T cell dysfunction, and a potential target for tumour immunotherapy.
2023年5月24日 · nr4a1作为一种早期反应基因产物,其基础水平较低,可被多种刺激在短时间内诱导,反应升高后的nr4a1在数小时后被迅速降解。由于nr4a1的配体结合域没有与配体相互作用的空腔,通常为其功能受蛋白质丰度及翻译后修饰和亚细胞分布(核‑质易位)的调节。
Nature | 全基因组分析揭示NR4A1作为T细胞功能失调的mediator
2019年3月6日 · NR4A1能够与诱导性基因位点结合,包括Gata3,Nr4a1,Nt5e,Bach2和Samhd1同时伴随H3K27ac增强,表明NR4A1可能与这些抑制剂协同发挥作用。
2014年6月11日 · 核受体 nr4a1是核受体 nr4a家族中的重要一员,可通过对靶细胞基因转录的调节,参与细胞的增殖、凋亡调控,在肿瘤发生、血管重塑以及类固醇合成等重要生命活动过程中发挥重要作用,其功能受到磷酸化、蛋白质相互作用等多种途径的调控。
Orphan nuclear receptor NR4A1 regulates transforming growth …
2015年1月12日 · Here we characterize the nuclear receptor NR4A1 as an endogenous inhibitor of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling and as a potential target for anti-fibrotic therapies. NR4A1...
NR4A nuclear receptors restrain B cell responses to antigen
2020年8月31日 · Nr4a1 – 3 encode a small family of orphan nuclear receptors that are rapidly induced by B cell antigen receptor stimulation. Here, we show that Nr4a1 and Nr4a3 play partially redundant roles to...
Nr4a1 regulates cell-specific transcriptional programs in inhibitory ...
2024年6月19日 · Huang et al. report that the immediate-early gene Nr4a1 regulates the connectivity and physiological properties of inhibitory GABAergic interneurons in the mouse brain. Nr4a1 appears to exert these effects by controlling the cell-specific expression of multiple gene families, including those essential for synapse formation and maintenance.