The fudd-filled NRA is ineffective for gun rights
2018年9月24日 · To fudds, gun ownership is a hobby instead of a right to uphold or a valuable ideal to fight for. Fudds, and their lukewarm opinions on ownership, make up a large part of the NRA which leads to a weaker message. The widespread fudd presence in the NRA is a big turnoff to more zealous gun owners who wish to see their ideas represented.
What is a fudd? : r/Firearms - Reddit
2018年12月23日 · Two characteristics normally identify a FUDD. 1: Very limited range of shooting interests. A FUDD could have just 1 gun, or more than 153 guns, but all those guns fall within a very limited range of interests. The interest that defines a FUDD is "sporting purposes".
The Official Decoys of the NRA: FUDs or Fold-Up Decoys
2011年5月21日 · FUD, or Fold Up Decoys, combine life-like vinyl printing (no paint knicks) onto a fold-out three-dimensional life-like decoy that sets up in seconds, weighs virtually...
What *is* a "Fudd?" : r/NFA - Reddit
2023年9月20日 · Fudd /noun/: Is a gun owner who is outdated, ill-informed, and highly dismissive of any other portion of the firearms community outside his niche. Repeats tropes and other nonsense often heard from news media or his own small echo chamber.
What exactly qualifies someone as a "Fudd"? - AR15.COM
2015年4月5日 · Fudd = Any gun owner who's against "evil black rifles" and of course against anything NFA. Any gun owner who says he's strongly in favor of the Second Amendment but who thinks it's about hunting or "sporting uses." In other words, a Fudd is a clueless "sportsman."
Fudd - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年2月24日 · The late President Ronald Reagan was the NRA’s most famous Fudd for supporting gun control both during his tenure and after. Gun rights absolutists don’t entirely trust Trump, either. “Never trust a Fudd,” wrote “waltdewalt” on a gun politics page on Reddit, suggesting Trump is not as committed to the Second Amendment as he claims.
Fudds Unite - So Says Slate - GAT Daily (Guns Ammo Tactical)
2024年9月1日 · The fudd conversation started around Walz due to his rapid flip-flop on gun rights to align with the Democratic party. Walz once carried an A Grade with the NRA, but that quickly changed when the Democratic monolith went extreme on restricting American rights.
What’s the deal with FUDD ranges? - AR15.COM
2023年12月24日 · I have been a member of two private clubs in two states. Both were "NRA" ranges. Meaning, NRA membership required to join. My current club recently began accepting GOA membership in lieu of the jackfucked NRA (kudos to them). Both do still disallow full-auto. I am told because of "insurance" reasons.
Am I Becoming a Fudd? | Page 3 | Glock Talk
2024年12月25日 · A "Fudd" is a gun owner who doesn't really care about 2A rights and may even support gun control. It has nothing to do with owning or appreciating older-style firearms—unless the first sentence also applies.
FUDDS the disease of the shooting community • Enough Gun
2016年1月24日 · NRA has a Fudd history, but their American Rifleman magazine has a black rifle on the cover almost every issue and they added a new magazine 10 years ago dealing strictly with 2A and killing bad guys.