Budget Speech for the Financial Year 2021/22 Budget
2021年6月10日 · The 10th Parliament in May approved the Shs44.7 trillion budget for the 2021/2022 financial year, decreased by Shs714 billion. According to the report of the Budget Committee, the drop this financial year is largely attributed to the projected decrease of shs2.4 billion in external financing for project support.
Presenting Uganda’s 2024/2025 Budget - onc-nrm.org
2024年6月15日 · Today, I presented the budget for the financial year 2024/2025 to the Parliament of Uganda through the Minister of Finance. I thank the Ministry of Finance for understanding the NRM ideology and for delivering a comprehensive budget that prioritizes wealth creation and the transition of our people into the money economy.
The National Resistance Movement (NRM) Parliamentary Caucus meeting at State House Entebbe on Friday, March 7, 2025, resolved to support the 10 pivotal budget priorities for the FY202...more.
nrm 使用详解nrm(NPM registry manager)是 npm 的镜像源管 …
2021年2月21日 · 使用 npm config 命令,可以这样设置镜像源: 但有点长,特别是源地址,不好记。 下面介绍一个便于切换和管理镜像源的工具。 nrm (NPM registry manager)是 npm 的镜像源管理工具之一。 yarn ------- https://registry.yarnpkg.com/ cnpm ------- http://r.cnpmjs.org/ taobao ----- https://www.npmmirror.com/ nj --------- https://registry.nodejitsu.com/ npmMirror -- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/
Manifesto 2021-2026 - | National Resistance Movement
In line with our principled approach to economic development and growth, we have selected five priority areas of focus. They are: Creating Wealth and Jobs; Delivering Education and Health; Ensuring Justice and Equity; Protecting Life and Property …
2026: Inside NRM’s Shs15b voter registration budget | Monitor
2024年3月14日 · The ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party is to spend nearly Shs15b to conduct its five-day register update across the country.
nrm的使用(安装、配置、查看、切换、增加、删除、测试)_nrm …
2020年4月28日 · nrm(npm registry manager)是npm的镜像管理工具,有时候国外的资源太慢,使用这个就可以快速地在npm源间切换。 在命令行执行命令, npm install -g nrm,全局安装nrm。 一般来说,在终端直接运行基础命令,可以看到该命令的解析,使用方法。 执行命令 nrm ls 查看可选的源。 其中带*号的是当前使用的源,下图表明当前源为rh。 或者直接使用 nrm current 命令,也可以查看当前源。 如果要切换到taobao源,执行命令 nrm use taobao。 你可以增加 …
MDAs tasked with prioritising NRM manifesto in budget frameworks
2023年1月14日 · The director of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party manifesto implementation unit under the office of the President, Willis Bashaasha, has tasked all ministries, departments and agencies...
Speech At The Launch Of The NRM Manifesto- 2021-2026
2020年11月2日 · Countrymen and Country Women, The NRM is presenting to you a Manifesto for the period of 2021-2026. This Manifesto builds on the big successes of the NRM eversince 1965 when we formed a Student Movement, on the basis of new principles, having come out of the old Political Parties of DP, UPC and Kabakka Yekka, that were based on sectarianism of ...
nrm 安装使用教程 - 软柠柠吖 - 博客园
2024年2月21日 · 一、nrm 简介. 全称:NPM registry manager. 用途:简单快速的修改 npm 镜像源. 二、nrm 用法说明 # 1、全局安装 nrm npm install -g nrm # 2、查看可选镜像源 nrm ls # 3、切换 taobao 镜像源【因人而异,看自己喜好】 nrm use taobao . 三、参考. nrm 官方说明.
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