NRS-2 - Wikipedia
The NRS-2 (Нож Разведчика Стреляющий, "Scout Firing Knife") (official GRAU index 6P25U) is a gun hybrid with a combination of a knife blade and a built-in single-shot shooting mechanism …
特种武器科普:NRS匕首枪 - 哔哩哔哩
NRS-2“波浪” (英语:NRS-2 Wave,俄语:НРС-2 «Взмах»;俄罗斯国防部火箭炮兵装备总局代号:6P31/6П31)在1980年代研发。除了将发射的弹药改进为7.62×42毫米SP-4(СП-4)特 …
NRS侦察匕首 - 百度百科
NRS-2侦察匕首是一种可发射子弹的特殊刀具,通常用于俄罗斯特种部队执行特殊任务。 它能够割断直径达10毫米的钢线。 采用绝缘刀鞘,可以用来切割电缆。 此外,还可以当螺丝起子,或 …
The Russian NRS-2 Pistol-Knife | thefirearmblog.com
2018年7月19日 · The video demonstrated the use of the NRS-2 (“Scout Firing Knife”), which is a survival knife. Apart from the obvious usage as a military type of knife, it also has a built-in, …
Nokia Certified Network Routing Specialist II (NRS II)
The Nokia Network Routing Specialist II (NRS II) certification builds on the foundational knowledge established in the NRS I certification. The goal of NRS II training is to provide …
NRS-2 - 苏联格鲁乌和克格勃特种部队的无声武器
2023年6月20日 · NRS-2(shooting reconnaissance knife),由图拉枪匠研制,供苏军侦察破坏特种部队军事人员使用,是苏联时代的独家产品之一。 NRS-2 护套包含用于压接雷管的钢丝钳 …
NR, NRS, NR-2, NRS-2 - USSR / Russia - knifesburg.ru
The reconnaissance knife shooting NRS (GRAU index 6P25) and its development NRS-2 (6P31 “Vzmakh”) is one of the most unusual, and probably the least used types of special weapons …
Ballistic knife - Wikipedia
An NRS-2 combination knife/gun was designed and developed during the 1970s at the order of the Russian Ministry of Defence and KGB of the USSR. [5] However, the NRS-2 was not in …
NRS 2 Anleggskontrakter | Norsk Regnskapsstiftelse
2024年12月31日 · NRS 2 Anleggskontrakter (juni 2008) NRS 2 Anleggskontrakter (samlet historiske versjoner) – alle historiske versjoner samlet i en zip-fil
NRS-2 Scout Firing Knife - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The NRS-2 (Nozh Razvedchika Strelyaushiy (Нож Разведчика Стреляющий), "Scout Firing Knife") is a Soviet-era survival tool issued to Spetsnaz forces. The body of the weapon is a …