Current List of NRTLs - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Current List of NRTLs How to identify certified equipment Report an unsafe product Manufacturers. Frequently Asked Questions Types of products requiring NRTL approval …
OSHA's Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) Program
Each NRTL has a scope of test standards that they are recognized for, and each NRTL uses its own unique registered certification mark (s) to designate product conformance to the applicable product safety test standards. After certifying a product, the NRTL authorizes the manufacturer to apply a registered certification mark to the product.
认证知识地图——美国OSHA——NRTL认证 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NRTL是由美国劳工部(United States Department of Labor)下属的美国职业安全与健康管理局 OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)推出的项目,用来测试和认证OSHA规定的一些电气设备的安全性。 NRTL实验室不是官方机构,而是说明该实验室对某些标准和产品具备安全检测能力。 并且,只有在OSHA授权的产品目录下的产品,在OSHA认可的实验室地点(一个实验室可以有多个测试地点)测试合格,加施在OSHA注册的NRTL标志,OSHA才可以接受该实 …
NRTL和UL认证之间有什么区别,我们一款电子产品想在美国和欧 …
NRTL和UL一般是指电子电气产品的安全性认证,美国的安全性认证不是强制性的,但是一旦要求要做,费用会比去欧洲的安全性认证会贵很多,一提起UL认证,单单费用就会吓跑一群人,欧洲的安全性认证就比较简单多。 来说说他们的区别:NRTL认证指美国国家认可实验室,是英文Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory的缩写,北美地区的安全性认证大部分是指NRTL认证,NRTL的实验室出的报告就可以。 UL是其中NRTL认可的实验室之一,除了NRTL还有其他 …
NRTL - 百度百科
NRTL即指国家认可实验室,是英文Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory的缩写,美国劳工部下属的职业安全和健康管理局 (OSHA)要求在工作场合所使用的产品必须经国家认可实验室测试并发证以保证使用者的人身安全。 在北美,制造商在市场上合法销售民用或工业用的产品就必须按照国家的标准对其进行严格的测试。 只有通过了国家认可实验室 (NRTL)的相关测试,该产品才能在市场上合法销售。
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What is a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)? OSHA created the NRTL program to ensure that certain types of equipment be tested and certified for their safe use in the workplace. OSHA'’'s NRTL regulations were established in 1988. The first organization became recognized as a NRTL in 1989.
What is NRTL: Purpose and Certification | SafetyCulture
Jun 6, 2024 · Learn all about Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTLs), why they are important, which products need certification, and how to apply as an NRTL.
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory - Wikipedia
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory is the term used by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration to identify third-party organizations that have the necessary qualifications to perform safety testing and certification of products covered within OSHA and each organization's scopes.
美国NRTL认证服务 | 美国国家认可测试实验室 | TÜV南德
国家认可测试实验室(NRTL)是为美国市场认证产品的第三方机构,也是美国监管部门认可的认证机构。 NRTL是由职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)根据美国联邦法典29 CFR1910.7认可的,为在美国的工作场所使用的产品提供安全测试和认证服务。 为什么NRTL认证如此重要? NRTL认证提供了明确的证据,证明您的电气和电子产品符 北美 市场要求 的标准。 NRTL认证为您的产品提供符合进入美国的安全要求的保证,助您快速触达百万客户。 没有NRTL认证,很多零售商将 …
What Is An “NRTL” and What Is Its Role? - Intertek
NRTLs Give You Increased Confidence in Your Code Approval Process. You may have heard the term “Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory” or “NRTL” but what does it mean? An NRTL is an independent third-party organization recognized by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) to provide evaluation, testing and ...