The Nissan NRV II Concept Mixed Modern Driver Assistance Tech With ...
2020年10月22日 · In 1983, the company revealed the NRV II concept, a chiseled block of the automotive ’80s complete not only with period-defining aesthetics—take a look at those wheels—but a slew of driver...
三十多年前使用甲醇为燃料的概念车:日产NRV-II - 百家号
以阳光为基础所打造的概念车nrv-ii,是日产为了展现动力科技针对东京车展所设计的概念车,主要在于强调高性能和节能,外观造型并未重新设计,而是以市售车为蓝本但针对材质与动力重新规划,所以在车窗与轮圈都采用轻量化材质,就连油箱也是换成塑料 ...
Nissan NRV-II - Motot-vehicle Wiki
The Nissan NRV-II was a concept car from 1983. The NRV-II came with LCD Digital and Graphic instrumentation, radar automated cruise control, Anti-lock/Anti-skid brakes, and various fibre-optic controls and automatic functions. The power plant was a …
1983 Nissan NRV-II Concept Car - YouTube
2021年7月10日 · The NRV-II concept came with LCD Digital and Graphic instrumentation, radar automated cruise control, Anti-lock/Anti-skid brakes, and various fiber-optic controls and automatic functions. The...
Nissan NRV-II - Classic Cars Wiki
The Nissan NRV-II was a concept car from 1982. The NRV-II came with LCD Digital and Graphic instrumentation, radar automated cruise control, Anti-lock/Anti-skid brakes, and various fibre-optic controls and automatic functions. The power plant was a …
1983 Nissan NRV II Concept: The Car That Predicted GPS and
2024年4月5日 · Dive into the world of retro-futuristic technology with the 1983 Nissan NRV II concept car. This visionary vehicle predicted many of the convenience and safety features we now take for granted,...
NISSAN NRV II (1983) - Old Australian "Towards 2000" TV Show
2013年3月28日 · NISSAN NRV II - Old Australian "Towards 2000" TV Show.Recorded from an ancient VHS video from 1983. The NRV II features a number of technologies only just be...
定义未来,日产还是那个“技术日产” - 搜狐
2019年4月18日 · 以发动机技术闻名于世的日产为NRV-II概念车配备了最大功率高达120千瓦的1.2升涡轮增压发动机(升功率达到惊人的100千瓦),此外它还拥有一套可以识别二十余个指令的语音识别系统,连雨刮都是雨量感应式的。 在那个电视机大多数还是黑白的,SONY WALKMAN是全球最流行消费电子产品的年代,NRV-II的这些黑科技无异于科幻片一般的存在。 PART 2. 36年后的今天,日产用智行技术将曾经只出现在概念车上的技术逐一化为现实。 无论是i-SAFETY智 …
【生】NISSAN NRV II 领略1983年的语音导航概念车 - 哔哩哔哩
视频中所展示车辆为日产nrv 2代概念车,节目播出时间为1983年。 视频中的NRV 2展示了以下技术:1,小排量涡轮增压发动机;2,合成材料车身材料;3,语音导航和多媒体触控屏;4,泊车和行车雷达,ACC雏形。
Predicting the Future: The NRV-II - ratdat.wordpress.com
2015年4月22日 · Based on the 5th generation Nissan Sunny B11 Sunny (Sentra in the US), the NRVII was powered by a turbocharged 1300cc (E13ET) engine, which was fuelled by methanol and put out a creditable120bhp.